Global fry-up.


Define "hate speech"
Kenya mudslides: Tens of thousands displaced in floods
Kenyan government has mobilised workers to rebuild sections of the road and bridges washed away by the floods.

In Kenya severe flooding has displaced nearly 120,000 people after landslides engulfed homes.

Relief teams have been slow to reach the area of West Pokot with some roads and bridges cut off by heavy rain.

Authorities are scrambling to prepare for more heavy rain forecast, and are pleading for people to move to safer areas.

" I say, Brigadier, aren't there quite a lot of these unprecedented events of biblical proportions lately ? "

" Humbug, Caruthers, just the confounded natives silting up the watercourses and such . Damned inconvenient for the grouse, you know "
East Africa struggles with heavy rains as thousands displaced

Flood-hit Djibouti, Kenya struggle to cope after major downpours affect hundreds of thousands across the Horn of Africa.


Flash flooding has hit Djibouti, where the government and United Nations said the equivalent of two years' rain fell in a single day, with several countries in East Africa, including Kenya, struggling after heavy rainfall.

Rainfall from October to mid-November has been up to 300 percent above average in the greater Horn of Africa region, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network.

Two years rain in one day ! They ought to be grateful. Some people are never satisfied.
Global warming scientist zealots are a group of closed minded individuals who are forever seeking knowledge but never able to understand the obvious consequences of their knowledge. This is because global warming isn’t about science but a pretext for radical political activists who want to change the world to a global one world government. It is obvious to unbiased seekers of truth that carbon based fuels have been a prime factor in the development of increased food production and delivery, advancement of medical knowledge through high tech methodologies, development and widespread distribution of clean water, development of modern waste treatment systems, etc

The political proposals to save us from C02 will put all of that progress in jeopardy for millions of people. Instead we should be seeking to use more carbon based fuel to provide many millions without those modern life improvement technologies the same benefits we enjoy.
Island nations who face inundation from rising sea levels have issued an impassioned plea to the industrialised world ahead of crucial climate crisis negotiations that open in Madrid today. “We see [these talks] as the last opportunity to take decisive action,” said Janine Felson, deputy chair of the Alliance of Small Island States. The summit will hear that today’s carbon emissions must be halved to restrain global temperature rises to 1.5C, after which it’s believed low-lying islands and atolls will be inundated. The Paris agreement in 2015 set a 2C limit of heating above pre-industrial levels. You can read our guide to the summit, what’s likely to be achieved and how fossil fuel lobbyists are pushing to water down planned EU rules to set science-based criteria for investment which claims to be environmentally sustainable.

maggot wants them to use stilts.