Global Warming denialists well-funded, create perception of "heated debate"

I really wish people would get off the whole "It is man that is causing global warming.... No it is natural argument". For it really does not matter. What matters is reducing pollution. Quit spending money trying to argue who caused what and start coming to the realization that the money would be better spent coming up with solutions rather than blame.

Pollution is bad for us and for the environment. This by itself should be reason enough to invest heavily into alt energy and other ways to reduce pollution.

National security is another. We are far too dependent on foreign energy sources. This by itself is also a reason to find those clean(er) energy sources.
I've said this many times. There are also better reasons to reduce pollution than a perceived fault for global warming. We crap in our own nest then expect it to stay clean.
but a little mercury won't hurt ya :)

Our environment is like a massive rock. Lots of inertia and slow to change, but once it starts it will be slow to restore to it's former state if that is even possible.
I've said this many times. There are also better reasons to reduce pollution than a perceived fault for global warming. We crap in our own nest then expect it to stay clean.

I know you have. It is something we have agreed on for quite some time. Not trying to steal your thunder or anything.