Global Warming is a Good Thing: Polar Bear Population Stable, Whales

"Global warming has resulted in a stable polar bear population "

I fail to see the "grammatical error" in that statement. Either it's true, or it's not.

Was it true, Dano?

This is great. We caught Dano lying on two threads at the same time.

Dano's M.O. is so predictable at this point. He throws out a couple of unscientific, layman's observations as "proof" that global warming is good, real science is posted showing the opposite, and he runs away.

A week or 2 will pass, and then "helping polar bears & whales" will show up regularly in his official summary of climate change.
Dano's M.O. is so predictable at this point. He throws out a couple of unscientific, layman's observations as "proof" that global warming is good, real science is posted showing the opposite, and he runs away.

A week or 2 will pass, and then "helping polar bears & whales" will show up regularly in his official summary of climate change.

This is great.
Also, you pathetic rube, global warming HURTS some whale populations. You pick out isolated incidents of whales getting trapped in the ice, which are very few in #.

Here's a study on the Minke whale, whose #'s have gone from 760,000 to 380,000 since the 90's. Scientists think that global warming is limiting the icy habitat of the krill they feed on:

Idiot. So, out of 2 things that you list as "benefitting" from global warming, neither does. Nice work.
HAHAHA, this typifies you not able to think. Minke whales and other whales such as humpbacks for instance all feed on krill. So if what you are saying from global warmings effect is true then we should see a decline in ALL whale populations. Yet we have not, humpback whale numbers are increasing, as are fins and other baleen whales.

So why is it only the minke whale population (who by the way is far more tropical and widespread then most other whales who spend more time in the Antartic) went down? Gee it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Norway and especially Japan and now South Korea and likely many others, hunt the shit out of them a lot more could it?

"Norwegian whalers caught 639 in 2005. The quota for 2006 was set at 1052 animals, from which a catch of 546 was taken.[4] A 2007 analysis of DNA fingerprinting of whale meat estimated that South Korean fishermen caught 827 minke between 1999 and 2003, however, significantly exceeding their quota."

Compare that to the other whale species which are largely protected. There is also the possibility that the researchers simply erred by a lot in their earlier higher numbers, but ultimately global warming shrinking krill supply should show a declining effect on all baleen whale species and it has not.
Dano's M.O. is so predictable at this point. He throws out a couple of unscientific, layman's observations as "proof" that global warming is good, real science is posted showing the opposite, and he runs away.

A week or 2 will pass, and then "helping polar bears & whales" will show up regularly in his official summary of climate change.

Or maybe not, my last detailed factual argument slaughters your usual blathering gotcha attempts and silences your cheerleading squad of nonthinking sheep.

See Lierax, when I go away I am either working or working on a detailed argument that blows you away as per usual, I don't ever run away from you, though who knows if I met you in person perhaps I would with all that foul stench of crusty crow layers that I'm sure your breath has accumulated by now with all that you had to eat in facing me...
"So why is it only the minke whale population (who by the way is far more tropical and widespread then most other whales who spend more time in the Antartic) went down? Gee it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Norway and especially Japan and now South Korea and likely many others, hunt the shit out of them a lot more could it?"

Well, if you really researched it, you'd know that other whale populations HAVE been affected...for example, gray whales, who scientists have observed becoming more & more emaciated:

Don't just frantically google around trying to find any life preserver to latch onto, no matter how much you twist it, and how much it flies in the face of experts in the field.

If you want to make a real determination about not just whale population but climate change as a whole, you have to do more thorough research, and really explore both sides of the issue with objectivity. You have shown yourself to be incapable of that.

By the way...what happened on this thread? I think it's what you & your fellow pre-teens would call a "burn"....
Oh, and when you get a chance, I would LOVE to see that study that backs up the main point of this thread - that global warming is actually INCREASING whale populations...
HAHAHA, this typifies you not able to think. Minke whales and other whales such as humpbacks for instance all feed on krill. So if what you are saying from global warmings effect is true then we should see a decline in ALL whale populations. Yet we have not, humpback whale numbers are increasing, as are fins and other baleen whales.

So why is it only the minke whale population (who by the way is far more tropical and widespread then most other whales who spend more time in the Antartic) went down? Gee it couldn't have anything to do with the fact that Norway and especially Japan and now South Korea and likely many others, hunt the shit out of them a lot more could it?

"Norwegian whalers caught 639 in 2005. The quota for 2006 was set at 1052 animals, from which a catch of 546 was taken.[4] A 2007 analysis of DNA fingerprinting of whale meat estimated that South Korean fishermen caught 827 minke between 1999 and 2003, however, significantly exceeding their quota."

Compare that to the other whale species which are largely protected. There is also the possibility that the researchers simply erred by a lot in their earlier higher numbers, but ultimately global warming shrinking krill supply should show a declining effect on all baleen whale species and it has not.

All whales eat krill Dano ?
And why do dems love to spin about global warming ?

How does this benefit them or make thier energy cost less ?
"According to the World Wildlife Fund, about 20 distinct polar bear populations currently exist, accounting for approximately 22,000 polar bears worldwide. Of those distinct populations only two, representing about 16.4 percent of the total population, are decreasing. At the same time, 10 populations representing approximately 45.4 percent of the total population are stable, and 2 populations representing about 13.6 percent of the total number of polar bears are increasing. The status of the remaining populations is unknown."

The good part of more global warming and less ice is that whale population should and has increased because fewer are getting trapped in ice and we can hopefully see less incidences like this:

Six killer whales die, trapped by ice

Three Gray Whales Trapped in Alaskan Ice

Hunters may have to shoot Belugas trapped by ice

Also oceans are safer for people to travel as there is less chance of hitting an iceberg and more passages open up for trade.

More to think about and just another of many, many reasons why global warming has been in the past and will be better for us.

Finally, I sense a kindred spirit, and not another not a lefty lefties like Batttleborne and SuperFreak, who may be the same lefty?

I agree, this global warming sheet is overrated, and should be cancelled due to lack of interest? How about when I am freezing my ass off in January, where is the liberals global warming then? Butt, I can never get an answer when I ask, they have been mensaed by that question more than one time. The board Liberati will be all over you for this sensible post, I predickt, but that just means you are getting to them, when they try and bury it with one liners especially, they all think they are hot sheet, I'm not in the market, touche.
Oh, and when you get a chance, I would LOVE to see that study that backs up the main point of this thread - that global warming is actually INCREASING whale populations...

What about dogs, man's best friend, you are so concerned about whales, best friend to no one except maybe some very lonely eskimos, have you asked yourself what global warming if it exists, which, RJS has his doubts, and do not forget you are dealing with a Mensa here? butt, if it exists and is not some lib easter bunny, how does it effect dogs? Of course not, you are too busy worrying about whales, how am I doing, great as usual? It is very difficult being a mensa surrounded by normal people, butt, The Danold will probably understand?
RJS said:
Finally, I sense a kindred spirit, and not another not a lefty lefties like Batttleborne and SuperFreak, who may be the same lefty?

Oh another one of you pitiful wretches...

RJS said:
I agree, this global warming sheet is overrated, and should be cancelled due to lack of interest?

I do not understand. Were you trying to make some sort of joke? This is why I do not believe alcohol should be distributed to the masses...

RJS said:
How about when I am freezing my ass off in January, where is the liberals global warming then?

I could care less about this "global warming" fad, and both you and the liberals can go somewhere I find rather special: hell.

Darla said:
Butt, I can never get an answer when I ask, they have been mensaed by that question more than one time.

Has anyone EVER SEEN SO MANY GRAMMATICAL ERRORS IN A SINGLE POST?! I would suspect something like this out of the mongrel races, or the lower classes, honestly.
RJS said:
The board Liberati will be all over you for this sensible post, I predickt, but that just means you are getting to them, when they try and bury it with one liners especially, they all think they are hot sheet, I'm not in the market,

Could you please go wack yourself over the head with a vase? Thankyou.

RJS said:

For some odd reason, I doubt this person has any idea that this word is French for "touch" and makes no sense right here.
Dano your logic is flawed. The ONLY thing that this shows about global warming is that the effects of global warming have already begun to have an inpact on 2 distinct population groups. You have taken a set of facts that coincidentally occur with another set of facts and concluded causation rather than just what it is, coincendence. Which is basically what the other side does as well but you are both wrong in drawing causations from these facts.

As for less ice means less trapped whales that is true but it also means more fresh water into a system that relies on salinity for the health of the ecosystem. Will it be too much? no one knows yet.
What about dogs, man's best friend, you are so concerned about whales, best friend to no one except maybe some very lonely eskimos, have you asked yourself what global warming if it exists, which, RJS has his doubts, and do not forget you are dealing with a Mensa here? butt, if it exists and is not some lib easter bunny, how does it effect dogs? Of course not, you are too busy worrying about whales, how am I doing, great as usual? It is very difficult being a mensa surrounded by normal people, butt, The Danold will probably understand?

Yup! Being a mensa must be difficult you are a 'butt'(ass)...I suppose you will say this is a pun...butt(but)
To me, the existence of a thread like this represents enormous progress. 10 years ago, I have no doubt that a hack like Dano was parrotting the then-talking point of "there is no global warming...look! It's freezing in April."

The fact that he now has to invent "benefits" for global warming shows that at least the awareness is growing, and the phenomenon can no longer be denied.

It's a step forward; now, if we could just get them to look at the science behind the effects of climate change (there ARE what could be perceived as benefits, but whale & polar bear population increases are not among them, and they are far, far outweighed by the potential negative impact).