Global warming may devastate Southern agriculture and its going to be their own fault

Poor blacks in the delta. Same as 100 years ago. Agriculture is a dead industry. 100 years ago it was 30% of the economy, now it's less than 1%. It's called technology .

Thank God! I thought I was eating vegetables today, but I can now be at ease with the fact that I was eating microchips.
Poor blacks in the delta. Same as 100 years ago. Agriculture is a dead industry. 100 years ago it was 30% of the economy, now it's less than 1%. It's called technology .

Agriculture is one of the few things the world still buys from us in large quantities.

Can you imagine what our trade deficit would be without american agriculture? :confused:
well lets see you racist fudge packers in Cali created the polution and now want to pin it on somebody else. Ya'll given up cars Castro, or did I miss somethin
well lets see you racist fudge packers in Cali created the polution and now want to pin it on somebody else. Ya'll given up cars Castro, or did I miss somethin

Per Capita Energy Use - States

Electricity Use

-California: 6,732 KwH (ranked best, #1 most energy efficient in nation)

-Louisiana: 17,319 KwH (ranked near of the most greedy energy hogs in nation, 5th worst hog)

Gasoline Use

-California: 414.4 gallons per capita (Ranked 5th most frugal consumer of gasoline in nation)

-Louisiana: 507.8 gallons per capita (Ranks in top half of the most hoggy states on gasoline consumption)
Ahhh lets go back to the racist jailing of black teenagers.
Also you fuckers created the most pollution you should be leading the way in the clean up. You'll get no moral higher ground from me castro, totally legalize pot and free the blacks and you'll show your usual leadership. till then, your state is as ghestapo as the rest of us morons.
Cypress point to something that says souther states you moron, it talks about wheat having to be in Alsaska which is North of Cali you poser.
You false out-rage turbo-libs are the bain of the democratic party and need your ass kicked. You will not win without the south.
Stop jailing the blacks in California.
Is it just me or is Topper making even less sense than usual lately?

These days I'm hesitant to even respond to his posts. They are seemingly devoid of any recognizable position whatsoever on an issue. It is extremely difficult to even recognize what side he might be taking in any given thread.
Cypress point to something that says souther states you moron, it talks about wheat having to be in Alsaska which is North of Cali you poser.