Globalization = security threat

No. poverty comes from creating value strictly out of other people being on the hook at the point of a gun to pay for it.

LOLZ Poverty comes from a certain lacking in wealth. This is seriously the dumbest thing you've ever said, and you didn't even mention the Jews, Noah, or the Illuminati.
LOLZ Poverty comes from a certain lacking in wealth. This is seriously the dumbest thing you've ever said, and you didn't even mention the Jews, Noah, or the Illuminati.

Lacking in wealth comes from shipping jobs overseas. Or allowing massive immigration to drive the labor market too low. Both of these are flaws of globalization. immigration law enforcement is a government responsibility, consider it a regulation on business if you will. It is necessary.

You have yet to say something that isn't indicative of your brainwash.
Lacking in wealth comes from shipping jobs overseas. Or allowing massive immigration to drive the labor market too low. Both of these are flaws of globalization. immigration law enforcement is a government responsibility, consider it a regulation on business if you will. It is necessary.

You have yet to say something that isn't indicative of your brainwash.

How come there was poverty in America in the 1930s, after Hoover had passed the protectionist tariff, Smoot-Hawley? Why was there poverty throughout the 19th Century, when our jobs were obviously not being shipped overseas? How about the 1970s, which were before globalization began starting up?

How come there was poverty in America in the 1930s, after Hoover had passed the protectionist tariff, Smoot-Hawley? Why was there poverty throughout the 19th Century, when our jobs were obviously not being shipped overseas? How about the 1970s, which were before globalization began starting up?


Popping bubbles. bankers deciding to decapitalize the nation to create stresses for social change, etc.

There are a lot of factors to consider here. Your broad shot gun blast of stupidity is quite meaningless.

how did we become the most powerful nation prior to 1970, since thats when globalization really started up?

you fail most.
Popping bubbles. bankers deciding to decapitalize the nation to create stresses for social change, etc.

There are a lot of factors to consider here. Your broad shot gun blast of stupidity is quite meaningless.

how did we become the most powerful nation prior to 1970, since thats when globalization really started up?

you fail most.

The established powers in Europe committed suicide in 2 world wars. That's how we became one of the two superpowers by 1970.

All you have are childish excuses. How did we recover from the financial meltdown of 1907? Oh, yeah, a banker named JP Morgan bailed out the government. Back when our economy was small enough, captains of industry did these kinds of things all the time, like the businessman who donated his resources and employee manpower to saving lives during the Dayton flood of 1913.
The established powers in Europe committed suicide in 2 world wars. That's how we became one of the two superpowers by 1970.

All you have are childish excuses. How did we recover from the financial meltdown of 1907? Oh, yeah, a banker named JP Morgan bailed out the government. Back when our economy was small enough, captains of industry did these kinds of things all the time, like the businessman who donated his resources and employee manpower to saving lives during the Dayton flood of 1913.

So america was not powerful, it's just euope was so full of fail? Total bullshit. Your lies and demented worldview have made you retarded.

Becoming vendor to the world made us powerful. The delusion that consumption can be a comparative advantage is crippling us.

Keeping american individuals in the global supply chain is crucial for the survival of those individuals. Keeping them out because of 'race to the bottom' short term globalization stupidity is a crime against humanity.
Update, America is still the world's #1 manufacturing country:

Made in the USA: Still Number One !

Despite misinformed mainstream media and urban myth, the facts reveal glaringly that the US is still the leading manufacturing nation in the world.
by James Luko
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Despite mainstream media and urban myth, America remains the largest manufacturer in the world

It's amazing how much information is at our fingertips on the internet, yet MOST Americans continue to believe misinformation and myth about American manufacturing and how it relates to our "mythical decline" and China.

The biggest myth around- and one can easily observe from the majority of blogs and public comments following mainstream media stories- that America has "outsourced" "ALL" of its manufacturing. That China manufactures more than the USA, that America has NO industrial base to speak of, and ALL our manufacturing jobs have gone overseas. We have replaced our industrial jobs with burger flipping.

Here is just a recent example from a blog quote (May 16 2010) " America has virtually no manufacturing left, we are beholden to China for "all" our manufactured goods, we have no industry remaining."

poor little 3d worked so hard on his pissant arguments.

We still have a trade imbalance, you have to add the output of our trade partner nations together. That number is still bigger.
We manufacture more than anyone, and have a trade imbalance. If that's such a problem, perhaps we are manufacturing too much for our own consumption?
We manufacture more than anyone, and have a trade imbalance. If that's such a problem, perhaps we are manufacturing too much for our own consumption?

You seem to misunderstand the direction of the trade imbalance.

We still buy more than we sell.

if you understand that, you will see your presumption is quite moronic.
Where are all of our manufactures going, Asshate?

Our trading partners. we can be the largest single manufacturer and still have a trade imbalance. A simple RANKING of national exports won't do. You need to ADD UP the imports from all our trading partners to get a meaninnful figure.

But of course, you're too moronic to undertand that.
Our trading partners. we can be the largest single manufacturer and still have a trade imbalance. A simple RANKING of national exports won't do. You need to ADD UP the imports from all our trading partners to get a meaninnful figure.

But of course, you're too moronic to undertand that.

So, we have too many trading partners? One of Adam Smith's arguments for liberalism was improved relations among nations (i.e. more friends and allies), and only you would call that a bad thing...
So, we have too many trading partners? One of Adam Smith's arguments for liberalism was improved relations among nations (i.e. more friends and allies), and only you would call that a bad thing...

I didn't we say we had too many trading partners. Im saying you're an idiot for not understanding that we have a trade deficit.

Even if we are the biggest SINGLE manufacturer, we can still import from so many DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, that we still have a trade deficit. You seem to think your manufacturing number means we couldnt possibly have a trade deficit. That's moronic thinking, however.
I didn't we say we had too many trading partners. Im saying you're an idiot for not understanding that we have a trade deficit.

Even if we are the biggest SINGLE manufacturer, we can still import from so many DIFFERENT COUNTRIES, that we still have a trade deficit. You seem to think your manufacturing number means we couldnt possibly have a trade deficit. That's moronic thinking, however.

No, I'm saying you're an alarmist. We are a huge consumer nation.