APP - GM marijuana problem growing in Colombia

the same kind that drink beer, except not as many pot smokers are pathetic losers sitting in bars.

I dont know why you drink beer but I visit my local to meet a bunch of mates. The beer might just as well be lemonade or tea and sometimes is.
Do you take drugs as a part of your normal friendship circle? Do you have marijuana meeting places where you can play darts, snooker or have fun?
Drug taking seems a very solitary pastime to me.
I'm not as familiar as you with the gay circles. I'm married I don't meet gay men in bars.

I have smoke pot socially for 35 years, prob smaller cirlces than beer drinkers
I'm not as familiar as you with the gay circles. I'm married I don't meet gay men in bars.

I have smoke pot socially for 35 years, prob smaller cirlces than beer drinkers

What a stupid thing to say. British pub culture is something that many, if not most, yanks who have experienced it, envy. We don't 'do' homosexual here, indeed until the nineteen nineties it was an illegal practice. But, of course, that wasn't why you introduced it, was it? You introduced it because you had absolutely nothing of value to say nor could you refute what I said.
So again I am forced to conclude that smokers of marijuana are, like alcoholics, pretty sad individuals.
your next good comment on the topic will be your fist.

Why do you have any problem with someone burning tree? It hurts you how?
your next good comment on the topic will be your fist.

Why do you have any problem with someone burning tree? It hurts you how?

My fist? That should be interesting.
I have never commented about anyone burning a tree. Are you smoking something? You are not making much sense.
you cracked on people smoking pot
I took offense
how does someone smoking pot hurt you?

I don't give a shit who smokes drugs. I did not say I objected, I asked what kind of people need drugs to make them feel good. I guess you are so used to being criticised for taking drugs that any comment that does not support you must be against you.
I don't give a shit who smokes drugs. I did not say I objected, I asked what kind of people need drugs to make them feel good. I guess you are so used to being criticised for taking drugs that any comment that does not support you must be against you.

"they must be sad" from a drunkard

good night brush your tooth
"they must be sad" from a drunkard

good night brush your tooth

I only wish I could choose to be a drunkard. Unfortunately my doctor has restricted me to two units per day. That's two cans of beer or two glasses of wine if you did not know.
Do try to make your insults (?) a little more adult.
I only wish I could choose to be a drunkard. Unfortunately my doctor has restricted me to two units per day. That's two cans of beer or two glasses of wine if you did not know.
Do try to make your insults (?) a little more adult.

How bout you be an adult and read some science on it moron, ex drunked popping off against the tree burners. We'll send dentist and college professors.