GMOs Don't Hurt Anyone, But Opposing Them Does

increased biodiversity and sustainability.

The real question though with organic practices is can they feed the 300+ million people in this nation? Currently I don't think the state of the technology can do that.

I don't see how organic farming necessarily achieves biodiversity and sustainability. Also, I don't see how that would eliminate the desire for greater productivity which might be achieved through GMOs.
Why is Monsanto pushing gmo? because they have been allowed to own patents on genomes.

Ad hom. I don't care why Monsanto is for it. It has no relevance. Your feelings about Monsanto are not part of a rational or objective stance on GMOs. It's part of your motivated thinking, confirmation biases and bedwetting fears.
Ad hom. I don't care why Monsanto is for it. It has no relevance. Your feelings about Monsanto are not part of a rational or objective stance on GMOs. It's part of your motivated thinking, confirmation biases and bedwetting fears.

It most certainly does have relevance. You cannot separate the corporate push for GMO from their monied interest in it. Well you can if you're stupid.
It most certainly does have relevance. You cannot separate the corporate push for GMO from their monied interest in it. Well you can if you're stupid.

You can certainly separate the question of whether GMOs are safe from the national socialist propaganda of people like you. Not only can you, but if one is an objective thinker then one should separate the topics.
You can do it, but only an idiot would.

Only a rational and objective person that is not a national socialist and a motivated thinker would. You have acknowledged that you are too biased to consider the topic objectively or engage in anything but motivated thinking.
Only a rational and objective person that is not a national socialist and a motivated thinker would. You have acknowledged that you are too biased to consider the topic objectively or engage in anything but motivated thinking.

No. You are too fascist to see that all their arguments for their products are bogus and that they're true aim is control the world's food supply for profit.
Yes it is, it is the title of your thread.

It is not an assertion I was making in that post. You are just as bad as nAHZi in your inability to stay in context.

Yes, I am making the assertion that they are safe. I was not in my response to wb. Instead I was pointing out that it does not follow that because they are safe everyone should agree to labeling. Labeling, like the patent laws, has nothing to do with the topic of their safety.
increased biodiversity and sustainability.

The real question though with organic practices is can they feed the 300+ million people in this nation? Currently I don't think the state of the technology can do that.

Yes it can. We have millions of fallow acres.
It is not an assertion I was making in that post. You are just as bad as nAHZi in your inability to stay in context.

Yes, I am making the assertion that they are safe. I was not in my response to wb. Instead I was pointing out that it does not follow that because they are safe everyone should agree to labeling. Labeling, like the patent laws, has nothing to do with the topic of their safety.

Goodbye Proff. Shill. I hope Monsanto pays enough that you can sleep at night.