Go ask Alice!

lol......all you've learned is to not respect yourself......
ridiculous. Men have learned that women are more then chattle/accessories to walk on one's arm.
They are independent, the key idea behind the women's rights movement - have their own mind, and everything.

June Cleaver has left the building
so you didn't say what you really meant but were just playing word games?

yeah lying and cheating is about all you know

/boggle......I meant exactly what I said.....you just decided to try to make it a humorous insult and fell flat on your face....
lol......all you've learned is to not respect yourself......

What many "white men" have learned and some are still grasping with is the necessity of social programs. When women and minorities were discriminated against and, say, couldn't find a decent job with medical benefits the white man didn't give a damn. Too bad for them (the women and minorities). Their (the white man) answer was to get out there and find a better job.

Of course, the tables have turned. Now white men are "suffering". They are starting to realize the necessity of social programs. They are starting to realize ones position/situation is not always due to ones motivation/actions.

As we've seen over the last few days the Republican attempt to disrupt ObamaCare ended with the Repubs, once again, being on the losing side. One Republican tried to save face by saying even though they lost they did fight the good fight.

When will they learn? It's not the good fight. They lost every battle from the very beginning. From votes in the House to the Supreme Court decision to threatening to shut down the government.....it reminds me of that Monty Python skit where the guy has lost his arms and legs and still wants to fight. (Monty Python And The Holy Grail - Just A Flesh Wound)

But certain Repubs will keep on keeping on. Like many insane people they will keep doing what they're doing regardless of the consequences. Even with Obama's dismal support/approval rating people still choose the Dems over the Repubs and will continue to do so.

The only good fight would be to purge the Repub party. Excise the very "heart" of it. A heart transplant, if you will. It's like a 19th century party in the 21st century. As more and more people see the world changes that are coming the number of "old" ones, the Repub base, is shrinking. Just as the jobs aren't coming back neither is the 19th century mentality. The white Repub is beginning to see they could very well become like those they never used to give a damn about; the unemployed, the underemployed, the medically uninsured, those just scraping by. The Repub philosophy isn't working for them any more. Their enthusiasm and hard work mantra doesn't cut it. They watch their newly immigrated neighbor and their friend's wife go to work every day while they search the Want Ads.

This isn't a forecast, a possible scenario. It's happening today and those who said there will always be opportunity and they'd always be able to look after themselves and it's just the lazy Liberals who need social programs...surprise, surprise. They realize they were wrong. Why else would a white Republican (former white Republican) vote for a Black Democratic President?

By indiscriminately fighting/voting against Obama's policies the Repub party is becoming more and more marginalized which results in them having less and less input into social policy. But, as I said earlier, insane people will keep doing what they're doing regardless of the consequences.

why do all you right wing people pretend this reality is not reality?

The US Supreme Court declined on Monday to take up a request by the Republican National Committee to lift a 30-year-old consent decree that restricts the political party’s ability to enforce preelection ballot security programs that critics say would result in minority voter suppression.

they will just have to cheat more.

then they will get caught yet again
egads....they should have been aborted....didn't someone realize they would be unhappy?......

Objectively speaking they have little to be unhappy about so we don't have to be concerned about their so-called unhappiness. A simple change of mind/attitude would suffice. In other words stop their whining about the misperceived injustice they are suffering and appreciate what they have.