So Devin Nunes is a crybaby and crying, "B-B-But Twi twitter is being unfair to Pwesident Twump"!
Fuck him! Lots of luck on that! It's his lawyer money! LOL!
Nunes may want to look over his shoulder and start worrying about the Obstruction Of Justice, lying to Congress, and tampering with witnesses and evidence charges coming his way from the Special Council! Any day now!
Nunes is on his 3rd pair of Trump brand kneepads. Made in China.
LMAO! He's suing Twitter and individuals all because he got his feelings hurt? It sounds to me like Devin Nunes doesn't like freedom of speech. Huh. Who knew?
Nunes won't win this lawsuit. If it moves forward, it means anyone that is banned from commenting on Brietbart, Fox News, Infowars will be able to sue under the same claims of being discriminated against. That would be a ridiculous as Nunes' suit.
Any person barred from JPP could claim it was for political reasons and file suit against this site. No one that likes to post here should be in favor of Nunes' lawsuit.
Nunes cannot win the lawsuit.
Nunesordberg is not too bright.
Nunes cannot win the lawsuit.
WRONG and STUPID; he is suing because of the lies and impugning of his name with those lies. Of course, in liberal dumbfuck land, it is only okay when it is done to Republicans. STFU.
You are an idiot for voting for Donald Trump!
I want to see your face when you realize why!
He's creating a slippery slope by suing Twitter and those individuals. Eventually, "He's my Congressman and he sucks" will be grounds for a lawsuit. Did you not see the shit that was tweeted about the Obamas? Apparently not. I have had people issue me and my son death threats. Do you see me suing either them or Twitter? Nope.
So, STFU, snowflake.