God= dividing by zero

yeah, don't know why i bothered with the idiots here.

Science says the big bang created everything from nothing

so science says 0=1

Fuck you idiots
You have no clue. The theory does not say nothing, it says that they don't know because the closer to the event you get the more the laws of physics fall apart, but if you talk to a cosmologist, like Hawkings or others they can, with math, bring you very close to the event.
We do not know enough about the early universe to explain sufficiently what happened at the beginning. The big bang is only a partial theory of the beginning. It may very well be impossible to find a complete theory, or we may have to look at things from an entirely different perspective.

Dividing by zero is clearly and obviously not going to get us anywhere, though.
I believe the universe is still contained in the singularity space (the space that contained the singularity before the theoretical big bang) and that all we know as the universe is the result of the endless fractal splitting of the original wave of energy (God?) that has continued to fold upon itself, and its countless permutations upon themselves(and their countless permutations upon themselves)...recursive embedding FTW!!), since its creation or its coming-into-existence.

yeah, don't know why i bothered with the idiots here.

Science says the big bang created everything from nothing

so science says 0=1

Fuck you idiots

Tinny, don't get all butt hurt, bro. you're still our favorite source for unadeltareated climate truth and other cool stuff.

but even though dividing by zero is weird and stuff, why does it need to be god?