nope facts
you just dont believe in those facts
its your failure not the facts failure
Show me those documented and testable facts of Science that you "say" exists. I'll be waiting.....forever, because those facts do not exist.
As far as Christianity being a "blind faith"? All Christian faith comes from the WORD OF GOD because the word of God is truth and we are admonished to be sanctified in that truth. John 17:17. The scriptures enlighten everyone just how faith is constructed and its not blind, its constructed upon placing the word of God to the test. -- Rom. 10:17. "Test them all...." -- 1 Thess. 5:21.
The only "blind faith" I see is your faith in science...which you refuse to demonstrate through the testable and repeatable process of the Scientific Method. You just nod like someone that has been subjected to indoctrination....that's why I call you the "BOBBLE HEAD".
Over 90% of the Bible is testable by Science and History actual....the only things not testable are the Miraculous acts of God as preformed by men through the work of the Holy Spirit of God, and I believe those SUPERNATURAL acts (as there is no natural method to place a supernatural event TO THE TEST....unless you have a super-natural-o-meter in your pocket)....why do I believe them?
Because the 90% that can be tested has never been proven to be in error in any type of objective manner...thus, why doubt the "sworn testimony" of those who witnessed the events personally? Prison is filled with those who were convicted upon the prima facie evidence (beyond a reason of doubt by any sane person) of eye-witness testimony.
"And truly Jesus preformed many other signs (miracles) in the presence of His disciples which are not written in this book; but these are written that you might believe (faith.....cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God) that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and believing you might have life in His name." -- John 20:30-31.
Clearly Jesus did not believe in or accept EVOLUTION as a fact. "Have you not read that He who made them in the beginning (God)...made them male and female?" -- Matthew 19:4
While the Apostle Peter makes it clear that the scriptures were recorded by the hand picked Apostles of Christ for the very reason of maintaining a method of BUILDING FAITH for future generations. "......Knowing that shortly I must put off this my tabernacle (body....death), even as our Lord Jesus has shewed me (Jesus physically died on the cross). Moreover I will endeavor that ye may be able after my death to have these things (records of his personal testimonies to the miraculous) in my remembrance. FOR WE HAVE NOT FOLLOWED CUNNINGLY DEVISED FABLES, WHEN WE MADE KNOWN TO YOU THE POWER AND THE COMING OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST.....BUT WE WERE EYEWITNESSES OF HIS MAJESTY." -- 2 Peter 1: 14-16
That's exactly why the Bible build faith...but not BLIND FAITH. My faith is anything but blind. Just prove through the scientific method anything found in scripture to be untrue. No theories that do not possess the objective testable, repeatable facts to be known as a FACT of science...but facts. Again no theories or assumptions like the assumption of Carbon dating which assumes the universe and the earth to include the rate of decay in certain radio active elements (physical matter) has remained constant for billions of years....but know that the radio active elements they use to date things of antiquity can be and are corrupted by many variables...such as WATER LEECHING. There is no scientific method to CALIBRATE radio carbon dating past that of RECORDED HISTORY...again, recorded eyewitness testimony of those who lived before us and observed those things that need calibrated. That's why Science requires OBSERVATION for FACTS OF SCIENCE.
Its not like actual SCIENCE and archaeology has proven that every point of land mass on earth as been under water at some point in their sea life fossils have been found atop the highest peaks on earth and everywhere else to include the greatest desert land mass on earth (larger than the United States) the Sahara Desert...where entire whale remains are found.
I hope you do well with your BLIND FAITH...but as for I and my household, we shall serve the Lord and bend a knee always in prayer and ask, "What would you have me do my LORD." My number one duty as a Christian is to defend MY FAITH and provide an anyone that asks just why that faith and HOPE exists in my heart. -- 1 Peter 3:15