Saint Guinefort
Verified User
I went and looked up his isn't what you is this....
its the same thing I said....
I went and looked up his isn't what you is this....
its the same thing I said....
If Y
fuck off you stupid asshole
Can God make a rock he can’t move?
...there was a Big Bang.
??....apparently YOU should read Huxley....
No. Imaginary beings can't make or move anything.
of didn't think creation wouldn't leave a mark, did you......
Oh, wow. You sure put him in his place.
Who is he to suppose there is a GOD?
But you know there are no gods, right?
No. Imaginary beings can't make or move anything.
Do you think he believes he has proof? LOL
You didn't read Huxley, you read someone's interpretation based on your google search (it is literally the first thing that comes up). So, yeah, I'm suggesting you read it.
And I'm still right.
Of course it would. My point is that the Creationists are denying God's creation.
Jury is still out. I'm kinda wondering how he will respond...or IF he will respond.
you mean Young Earth Creationists.....not many of them out there, you know.....
I love it when atheists prove they believe there's no God, gods or anything beyond their noses.
There are plenty of them out there. Every person who claims the Bible is the literal word of God is one.
I know there's plenty "beyond my knows". I just base my beliefs on what those things are based on evidence, combined with logic and reason, not fairytales.
the literal word of God or the literal word of some fucked up atheist who claims to know what the Bible says?........God's got a much better score card........