Try Delta 8 ,they are my favorite!
I don't smoke because of decades of cigs and joints!
No thanks
Try Delta 8 ,they are my favorite!
I don't smoke because of decades of cigs and joints!
I have no religion! I was chosen,and they don't accept resignations
Gummies offer me no effect
Mason believes God talks to him.You believe something
That’s great
I don’t recall the passages where Jesus said everyone would be tortured for eternity for not believing
See how weird your religion is
No proof
But if you don’t believe you will burn in hell fir eternity
That’s not an admire-able way to deal with others huh
My wife is like that. Neither she nor I ever did pot until we were in our 50's (I know that sounds unreal, but some squares do still exist.) When we moved to a state where it was legal we tried it. Neither of us smoke so we did edibles. I really enjoyed the experience and she felt almost nothing but a slight fit of giggles and then some paranoia but not much of anything to any extent.
I don't drink so THC gummies are my occasional relaxo.
As a child I was raised in a middle of the road not-very-religious Methodist household and that was my framework of the religion. However I also suffered from scrupulosity which meant that taking in the OTHER views of salvation and the wages of sin definitely resonated in my fucked up little noodle such that the possibility of eternal damnation complete with torture was enough to make me wonder if, indeed, I got the whole thing wrong that would lead me to that unfortunate end.
Many decades later I finally gave up religion (I was not seeing any benefit, I wasn't "feeling" God's presence, but I lived in abject terror that I wasn't worshiping or praying correctly --scrupulosity again-- that I realized religion was doing more damage to my mental health than it was doing good.)
For those people who get a benefit from their religion but don't coerce others to be like them I say "Good on ya!" They should enjoy their faith. Don't harm others with it, get the joy they experience from it and move on.
I'm luck that most of my friends are THAT kind of Christian.
All the large religions claim they have the only way to avoid hell
Which ones are wrong?
If nearly all of them are lying
Maybe all of them are lying
I was pretty much five years old and in church on Sunday when I decided I didn’t trust these people
There I was is my prettiest little dress sitting next to my Mom
The preacher began to speak about how God ordered his devotee to stab his little boy to death for him
I knew at that moment that I didn’t like this nonsense
In Dante's Inferno, the righteous pagans did not actually go to a Hell of torments.
The fire and brimstone preachers claim to have a terrifying vision of hell.
The Pope says hell is not a literal place of fire and torture devices, it is a transcendent metaphysical state of choosing to not be in communion with God.
In Dante's Inferno, the righteous pagans did not actually go to a Hell of torments.
I don't think Judaism really has a Hell, and think they believe salvation is open to all righteous people.
I don't think Daoism has a Hell.
Buddhism think the truly evil will go to Hell. But I am okay with Hitler and Stalin receiving some kind of divine retribution.
Krishna apparently says that as long as your religion is devoted to righteousness, that is just another way of venerating Krishna. So I don't think the Hindus neccesarily see other religions as fundamentally sinful.
Many of those don’t say there is a god either
You believe something
That’s great
I don’t recall the passages where Jesus said everyone would be tortured for eternity for not believing
My wife is like that. Neither she nor I ever did pot until we were in our 50's (I know that sounds unreal, but some squares do still exist.) When we moved to a state where it was legal we tried it. Neither of us smoke so we did edibles. I really enjoyed the experience and she felt almost nothing but a slight fit of giggles and then some paranoia but not much of anything to any extent.
I don't drink so THC gummies are my occasional relaxo.
But Dante put Plato in purgatory.
Incorrect, the Greek philosophers are not in purgatory. They are in the first circle
The fire and brimstone preachers claim to have a terrifying vision of hell.
The Pope says hell is not a literal place of fire and torture devices, it is a transcendent metaphysical state of choosing to not be in communion with God.
In Dante's Inferno, the righteous pagans did not actually go to a Hell of torments.
I don't think Judaism really has a Hell, and think they believe salvation is open to all righteous people.
I don't think Daoism has a Hell.
Buddhism think the truly evil will go to Hell. But I am okay with Hitler and Stalin receiving some kind of divine retribution.
Krishna apparently says that as long as your religion is devoted to righteousness, that is just another way of venerating Krishna. So I don't think the Hindus neccesarily see other religions as fundamentally sinful.
First circle of what?
Neither did I. And I never heard Jesus say a word about homosexuality