
Well, obviously you do not have the New International Version of the Bible in your Bible library...

Leviticus 18:22 (NIV) -- “Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable."

1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV) -- "(9) Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men (10) nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."

Romans 1:25-27 (NIV) -- "(25) They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen. (26) Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. (27) In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Now, the first example is from the Old Testament, but the other two are from the New Testament. I could continue well beyond these three examples, but these three examples more than make my point re: what the Bible says about homosexuality. The Bible does NOT condone homosexuality. Period. Plain as day. Cut and dry.

Any Christian who claims this is disregarding Jesus' words in Matthew 5 during his sermon on the mount. Jesus, as he said, did not come to abolish the law, but rather to fulfill it.

It's also important to understand context. For instance, some OT law was given specifically to Israel (wasn't given to gentiles). Other law was ceremonial, performed for the purpose of anticipating the coming of Christ, and since he has now come, there's no logical reason to keep performing it. The context/reasoning for the law matters.

Frank was talking about Jesus.

Romans is not about Jesus or a record of what he said. Romans is an Epistle of Paul.
Cypress said:
I agree that in what people remembered of him, he never spoke of gays, never condemned them, never mentioned them in his moral teachings.

This presumes that everything Jesus said was written in the Bible. This is where you provide evidence that the Bible is the complete commentary of Jesus and that nothing was omitted.

Maybe we can get gfm7175's take on this. Perhaps he'll support the idea that every word Jesus uttered was captured in the New Testament.
Sorry Cypress. The Bible just doesn't agree with you here. From John 21:25 (NIV)...

"Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written."

Apparently the Bible is a selective record rather than an exhaustive one.
Bullshit, Tink. You’ve repeated several times you’re a professional bullshitter bilking people out of money. If you were honest, you’d just admit you were fucking lazy.

It doesn’t say anything against gays or lesbos, Tinkerbell. :)

Also, anything taken from Genesis is suspect. Jesus loved to speak in parables.
If you're not a fan of Genesis, then take a look at the examples I provided from Leviticus, 1st Corinthians, and Romans, or don't you like any of those books either?
Frank was talking about Jesus.

Romans is not about Jesus or a record of what he said. Romans is an Epistle of Paul.
Those who canonized the New Testaments clearly had an agenda of focusing upon Paul after the Gospels. I’m curious if anyone has done any work on why that was the trend.

The wiki article mentions “Pauline Christianity” but I didn’t pursue it. I knew a lot of Christian blood was spilled by other Christians on whose version of Christ was correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_canon#Christian_canons
Those who canonized the New Testaments clearly had an agenda of focusing upon Paul after the Gospels. I’m curious if anyone has done any work on why that was the trend.

The wiki article mentions “Pauline Christianity” but I didn’t pursue it. I knew a lot of Christian blood was spilled by other Christians on whose version of Christ was correct. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_canon#Christian_canons
I am aware of the term, but I'm not capable of giving Pauline Christianity a rigorous definition

Paul was big on salvation through faith alone, and that gentiles didn't have to follow the Jewish law. But not everyone back then agreed on that.

Remarkable that those MAGAs who claim to have read the Bible page by page, verse by verse, cover to cover don't seem to be aware of the distinction between the Pauline epistles and the words and actions of Jesus in the gospels
All of which came down to the nasty Republicans killing off 2% of the US population for political reasons while the Democrats were simply defending their home states. Sad.


I am aware of the term, but I'm not capable of giving Pauline Christianity a rigorous definition

Paul was big on salvation through faith alone, and that gentiles didn't have to follow the Jewish law. But not everyone back then agreed on that.

Remarkable that those MAGAs who claim to have read the Bible page by page, verse by verse, cover to cover don't seem to be aware of the distinction between the Pauline epistles and the words and actions of Jesus in the gospels

It’s amazing that any liberals claim to read the Bible at all since they’ve already burned theirs.
I was too.

... who was the penman of the "God-breathed" words contained therein. God (which includes Jesus) is the divine author. Ultimately, every word of the OT and NT is the word of Jesus.

Thanks for admitting you lied your fat ass off about supposedly reading the bible cover to cover. You thought Romans was a record of what Jesus said and did, which nobody with a working knowledge of the NT would claim
Thanks for admitting you lied your fat ass off about supposedly reading the bible cover to cover. You thought Romans was a record of what Jesus said and did, which nobody with a working knowledge of the NT would claim

Sybil truly believes he’s always correct…at least in his world. :)
Then why ask me for quotes
Those sounds you hear coming from Terry are just grunts and that's all. Your brain is automatically trying to fill in information, giving the illusion that Terry is actually communicating. Terry isn't capable of expressing anything beyond indications of fleeting synapses over an ossifying brain stem. The best thing to do with Terry is to just talk to it and hope it senses your positive vibe.
... which nobody with a working knowledge of the NT would claim
Let's see ... your statement is falsified the moment that someone with a working knowledge of the NT makes the claim. Hmmmmm.

Whoa ... guess what just happened! (You walked yourself into that trap when you desperately turned to a No True Scotsman fallacy)
TBH, I’m looking at you from different angles to determine your level of acumen and veracity.
No Terry, you can't even distinguish between different people much less assess anything of any sort of complex nature. Remember, being comatose is nothing of which to be ashamed, and when you soil your sheets, the nurses will clean it up.
I was too.

... who was the penman of the "God-breathed" words contained therein. God (which includes Jesus) is the divine author. Ultimately, every word of the OT and NT is the word of Jesus.

Bottom line...the Bible does not record a single word that Jesus said about Homosexuality. You have not provided any reference saying that he did, gfm.

So, the statement that he did NOT is correct...and any inference that he did is incorrect.
No Terry, you can't even distinguish between different people much less assess anything of any sort of complex nature. Remember, being comatose is nothing of which to be ashamed, and when you soil your sheets, the nurses will clean it up.
Bottom line...the Bible does not record a single word that Jesus said about Homosexuality. You have not provided any reference saying that he did, gfm.

So, the statement that he did NOT is correct...and any inference that he did is incorrect.
Bottom line. The three points that I made earlier still stand.

(1) Jesus (while on Earth in human flesh) described the construct of marriage, as recorded in the book of Matthew. While not specifically mentioning homosexuality, one can logically put 2 and 2 together and conclude that homosexuality is not included within his description of marriage.

(2) Jesus said a wholeeeeeee bunch of other stuff that was not recorded in the Gospels. The book of John concludes with this little factoid. Nobody alive today has any clue what Jesus may or may not have said specifically about homosexuality while he was here on Earth.

(3) The entirety of the Bible is "god-breathed", meaning that the ultimate author of the entirety of the Bible is God (which includes Jesus). Thus, the Leviticus passage that outright stands against homosexuality is the Word of God (Jesus). Jesus, while in human flesh, testified to the legitimacy of every little jot and tittle of the OT.
Bottom line. The three points that I made earlier still stand.

(1) Jesus (while on Earth in human flesh) described the construct of marriage, as recorded in the book of Matthew. While not specifically mentioning homosexuality, one can logically put 2 and 2 together and conclude that homosexuality is not included within his description of marriage.

(2) Jesus said a wholeeeeeee bunch of other stuff that was not recorded in the Gospels. The book of John concludes with this little factoid. Nobody alive today has any clue what Jesus may or may not have said specifically about homosexuality while he was here on Earth.

(3) The entirety of the Bible is "god-breathed", meaning that the ultimate author of the entirety of the Bible is God (which includes Jesus). Thus, the Leviticus passage that outright stands against homosexuality is the Word of God (Jesus). Jesus, while in human flesh, testified to the legitimacy of every little jot and tittle of the OT.

Wouldn't it have been easier for you to simply say, "You are correct, Frank. The Bible does not record a single word that Jesus said about Homosexuality. Jesus NEVER ever mentioned the word 'homosexual' in the Bible?"

That was all I asserted...and I was correct.