Going to the beach this weekend


New member
Well, this aint mundane news, but...

I proposed to my girl day after Valentine's day. I got her a sweet ring 1.68 ct, color H, si2. She got my wedding band.

We set our tentative date for October 4th. We first met on the 6th but it falls on a Monday so... This weekend we are going to look at reception & ceremony places. We are going to do the beach wedding, probably on Clearwater Beach. Then we are going to do a cruise for the honeymoon, she does not like to fly.

I have had a few relationships where the wedding idea was kicked around, but I never really proposed, set a date or got a ring. So hopefully this one goes off.

We talked about me adopting her daughter. The father is cool with it, which is good, and I want to do it. Her son (different father) is older and probably should not be adopted, but I think we need to make sure he understands why and that it is not because I don't want that.
I do believe the decision...............

Well, this aint mundane news, but...

I proposed to my girl day after Valentine's day. I got her a sweet ring 1.68 ct, color H, si2. She got my wedding band.

We set our tentative date for October 4th. We first met on the 6th but it falls on a Monday so... This weekend we are going to look at reception & ceremony places. We are going to do the beach wedding, probably on Clearwater Beach. Then we are going to do a cruise for the honeymoon, she does not like to fly.

I have had a few relationships where the wedding idea was kicked around, but I never really proposed, set a date or got a ring. So hopefully this one goes off.

We talked about me adopting her daughter. The father is cool with it, which is good, and I want to do it. Her son (different father) is older and probably should not be adopted, but I think we need to make sure he understands why and that it is not because I don't want that.

should be left to the kids...and where is Clearwater beach?
Well, this aint mundane news, but...

I proposed to my girl day after Valentine's day. I got her a sweet ring 1.68 ct, color H, si2. She got my wedding band.

We set our tentative date for October 4th. We first met on the 6th but it falls on a Monday so... This weekend we are going to look at reception & ceremony places. We are going to do the beach wedding, probably on Clearwater Beach. Then we are going to do a cruise for the honeymoon, she does not like to fly.

I have had a few relationships where the wedding idea was kicked around, but I never really proposed, set a date or got a ring. So hopefully this one goes off.

We talked about me adopting her daughter. The father is cool with it, which is good, and I want to do it. Her son (different father) is older and probably should not be adopted, but I think we need to make sure he understands why and that it is not because I don't want that.
Adoption ROCKS! Definitely if the father is insane enough to let you, do it!
The Scientologist are in Fort Harrison, not far from the beach, but its a quite different vibe.

Damo, why would he need to be insane? Because it is me? :)
The Scientologist are in Fort Harrison, not far from the beach, but its a quite different vibe.

Damo, why would he need to be insane? Because it is me? :)
Because you have to be to give up a child. Truly and stupidly insane. Grab at it before the shrinks fix him!
Bad advice damo............

Because you have to be to give up a child. Truly and stupidly insane. Grab at it before the shrinks fix him!

RS is in boing...not a good time to make heavy decisions...suppose he marries this girl and takes her advice and adopts her child from another guy...remember she did not suggest adopting the older male child...then say in a year or two she gets bored with him and divorces him...well not rocket science,:doh: but she goes back to the childs father and who gets stuck with child support!
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RS is in boing...not a good time to make heavy decisions...suppose he marries this girl and takes her advice and adopts her child from another guy...remember she did not suggest adopting the older male child...then say in a year or two she gets bored with him and divorces him...well not rocket science,:doh: but she goes back to the childs farther and who gets stuck with child support!


The male child is 12 and his father is in his life, somewhat. So, I don't see adopting him, unless the boy wants it strongly. His father is an ahole who pays child support, occassionally (she does not really pursue him for it), but he makes some attempt, anyway.

It won't be right away, adopting the daughter. And I know what it means. I explained to her that it would mean I could challenge for custody, visitation and would be liable for child support in case of a split.

I am rolling in it anyway. Why do you think I blew 2300 on Ron Paul. :)

The male child is 12 and his father is in his life, somewhat. So, I don't see adopting him, unless the boy wants it strongly. His father is an ahole who pays child support, occassionally (she does not really pursue him for it), but he makes some attempt, anyway.

It won't be right away, adopting the daughter. And I know what it means. I explained to her that it would mean I could challenge for custody, visitation and would be liable for child support in case of a split.

I am rolling in it anyway. Why do you think I blew 2300 on Ron Paul. :)

Good for you...however being that you are rolling in it...say the support would be $1200.00per month times say 12 years give or take a few depending on her age...you are looking at over $172,000.00 in support until she becomes say 18years of age...carry on 'Ritchie Rich'!

The male child is 12 and his father is in his life, somewhat. So, I don't see adopting him, unless the boy wants it strongly. His father is an ahole who pays child support, occassionally (she does not really pursue him for it), but he makes some attempt, anyway.

It won't be right away, adopting the daughter. And I know what it means. I explained to her that it would mean I could challenge for custody, visitation and would be liable for child support in case of a split.

I am rolling in it anyway. Why do you think I blew 2300 on Ron Paul. :)

Well, the world needs a few more good guys willing to pick up the tab of these assholes, because it's only the kids that suffer. Good luck on the adoption, the babies dad is going to court next month for being over $10,000 over and hasn't payed a dime yet in my case. He's going to keep fighting adoption though just to be a prick.
Well, the world needs a few more good guys willing to pick up the tab of these assholes, because it's only the kids that suffer. Good luck on the adoption, the babies dad is going to court next month for being over $10,000 over and hasn't payed a dime yet in my case. He's going to keep fighting adoption though just to be a prick.
See? Even cheap pricks aren't insane. Keep fighting the good fight.
See? Even cheap pricks aren't insane. Keep fighting the good fight.

Huh? Really he's only racking up more and more child support and wont be able to buy anything in the future without putting it in someone else's name, or the state will take it. Don't see how he'll ever have a family until he get's his shit together, pay off his warrants for DUI and telphone harassment so he can stop hiding fromt he cops and see his child, and pay his child support which is pretty much nothing compared the the actual costs of raising her.

I'm not argueing with ya, just not sure if you meant he isn't insane.
Well, this aint mundane news, but...

I proposed to my girl day after Valentine's day. I got her a sweet ring 1.68 ct, color H, si2. She got my wedding band.

We set our tentative date for October 4th. We first met on the 6th but it falls on a Monday so... This weekend we are going to look at reception & ceremony places. We are going to do the beach wedding, probably on Clearwater Beach. Then we are going to do a cruise for the honeymoon, she does not like to fly.

I have had a few relationships where the wedding idea was kicked around, but I never really proposed, set a date or got a ring. So hopefully this one goes off.

We talked about me adopting her daughter. The father is cool with it, which is good, and I want to do it. Her son (different father) is older and probably should not be adopted, but I think we need to make sure he understands why and that it is not because I don't want that.

Oh Sweet Jesus, I'm never getting involved with a woman with kids ever again. That was a lesson learned.

Just kidding. But, best of luck to you. :)