Sure you do. Just wear what you wear to the tractor pulls.I don't think I have the clothes for it.
I have really nice clothes.
Sure you do. Just wear what you wear to the tractor pulls.I don't think I have the clothes for it.
I have really nice clothes.
Sure you do. Just wear what you wear to the tractor pulls.
Well what'd you think I meant when I said nice clothes?? You should see me in my tractor pulling finest, when me and my son go down to Biloxi for the big matches! His daddy, that no account somofbitch, used to compete! That is how we met and fell in love, he was as full of shit as the pigs I keep in the backyard though!
He was stupid though he hooked himself up in a harness and tried to pull the tractor, he had no idea of the real concept of the event.
My head is going to explode!