Gold will go $1,500 to $2,000/ounce in recent days

618. South East Asia financial crisis (12/26/09)

In May 1995, I came back to US. The stock market was at an unreasonable level with high P/E value. I view it as a trap for me. Of course, I would not touch it.

In later 1997, media said the international speculators attacked Hong Kong dollar. The Hong Kong government managed to go over the crisis so the speculator turned on to South East Asia. Within months, the currency of Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, all depreciated significantly. That was the famous South East Asia financial crisis. With the success in other countries, the speculator came back to Hong Kong in 1998. This time they aimed at stock market. They bought a large amount of future contract to bid there was a low HanShen index(Hong Kong’s security index) for the August. To achieve their victory, the speculator had to sell down the security market. Hong Kong government, on the contrary, came out to save the stock market. It activated its big foreign currency reserve to take over the stocks poured out by the speculator. Finally the Hong Kong stock market successfully stood above 8,000 index.

A hedge fund company named "Long Term Capital Management" (L.T.C.M.) lost huge in that fight. News reported the Federal Reserve had called an emergence meeting, forcing big financial firms such like Citi group, Goldman Sach... to lend money to save L.T.C.M.. A Hedge fund company could manipulate other big financial firms, it must be more powerful than the Federal Reserve. Obviously it was a cover company of the Feds.

What caught my eye was a news which said that in order to sell down the security market, the speculator borrowed a large amount of stocks from celebrities and rich families of Hong Kong. Now those borrowed chips were all taken over by the Hong Kong government whom said it would keep those blue chips in hand as reserve and wouldn't sell it any more. Since what government bought in this battle occupies 11% of the total blue chip, a large amount of stock were locked up in safe box.

Then how would the speculator to compensate the lenders? They had to buy the same stock from the market. According to the principle of supply and demand, the buying action will push up the stock price. Since Hong Kong stock market always follows New York stock market, I concluded there would be a prosperous bull market.

I had the experience that secret police would suppress the whole market (in China) to restrict me to make money from stock. They didn't care other group's interest, but what if it was their own interest? It worth a try.

I bought 100 shares of Boeing on 9/23, and bought 100 shares of Travelers on 9/25. I chose Boeing because it was one of the only two big commercial plane manufacturers in the world. Feds wouldn't shut down a big company just for my 100 shares? As for "Travelers", it was a new Dow Jones 30 share. I don't think financial group would introduce a junk stock in Dow Jones 30. They would make money on it when people were still strange to it. Several days later, "Travelers" merged with "city Bank". So I then had 100 shares of Citi.

The response of the Feds was severe. I suffered heavy E.M. wave attack that I couldn't stay at my home. At last I had to go San Francisco to live with my parents. On 1/15 I encountered with a bank robbery on my way to my parents' house. I think it was a trap Feds prepared for me - a "random shooting death" case. The case was disrupted by a bystander. (see 402,404,561,562 "San Francisco bank robbery")

In mid March 1999, my parents and my wife told me they would leave for trip within a week. My parents would go China. My wife would go Hong Kong with my daughter and her father. So I would be left alone in the house, either in San Francisco or in San Jose. I thought the Feds could wait any time longer to boost the stock market. They prepared another murder case for me. Before my relatives' leaving, I bought an air ticket and went to Hong Kong on 3/19.

As I expected, the Hong Kong stock market went bull followed the leadership of New York stock market after I arrived in Hong Kong. Seeing a boiling market, seeing other stocks were rushing towards their historical high, I bought another 100 Boeing shares at the price $41 on 4/15. Boeing's historical high was $60, there was $19 space for its price to grow. When Boeing stock turned its head to downwards, I realized I made a mistake. I remembered the experience in China: a rising price curve suddenly stopped and turn downwards. The turning point was always when my purchase order finished. On 4/21, I sold my stock. I made $3100 dollars at Citi Bank. I lost $230 on that newly bought "Boeing". I knew if I held on it, they could drive the price to $34. I made $650 on the Boeing I originally bought on 9/23/1998 later.

In Hong Kong, I had a hard time to make a trading. The phone in my rented room was harassed. To carry out a trading, one day I had to go out in mid-night, to buy a phone card in a Seven-Eleven store and called the securities company to fulfill a deal by public telephone.
619. Nasdaq bubble (1/2/2010)

After Hong Kong, I went to South East Asia. In Bull market, there used to be one peak in chart. This time the bull market had multiple peaks in more than two years around 11,000 points of Dow Jones index. It almost became a plateau of peaks. I think the Feds maintain the stock market in high value at the hope that I'll return to buy back some stock. Of course, I wouldn't touch it any more.

On 7/26 2000, I came back to US. In August, in the statement of Securities company I found my wife had bought two high tech. stocks in May and June - two months before I came home. They were: 50 shares of New Focus @ $46/share and 200 shares of China Unicorn @ average $22/share. On 8/30, the price of New Focus was $136. The Nasdaq market was crazy at that time. I select Dow Jones fundamental stock because for most time, it would keep a certain value. I have different views on high tech. stock. They are highly speculated. It could become a piece of paper any time. So I urged my wife to sell her two high tech. stock immediately. She refused. Within days, the Nasdaq market went downwards. That was the start of the evaporation of the bubble. I think it was the result of my urge. Feds wouldn't let my account make money. (It was a joint account)

In the end of November, New focus was at $20 and China Unicorn was $14. They lost half of their original cost my wife paid. New focus later changed its name to Oclaro. 50 shares were shrunk to 6 @ $1 each. That piece of paper now is worth six dollars.

I think that's revenge from the Feds. To offset the profit I made in trading Boeing and City Bank. They lured my wife into the Nasdaq bubble. The money she lost almost equals to the profit I made.

Strange to say, the break off of the Nasdaq bubble doesn't affect the Dow Jones index. Dow still kept floating around 11,000 when Nasdaq lost almost two thirds of its value. I think that was because Feds still wished me to fall in their high value stock trap.

When I was in South East Asia, Feds still sent many informants disguised as tourists to travel with me. This needed a large operating fund. I think the money may come from the rising stock market. I thought many small groups worked on it. They follow the signal of buy and sell from a lady Whom media called "the Goddess of stock market". I noticed her because her hint for many times accorded with the plot Feds applied on me. In my opinion, the US stock market has been kept in an unreasonable high level since 1995 at the purpose to prevent me to profit from it. So the market had a tendency to adjust to normal (much lower from the current level) when there was a trap set for me.
620. Nasdaq bubble (2) (1/8/10)

620. Nasdaq bubble (2) (1/8/10)

I wrote "619. Nasdaq bubble" on 1/2. Next day, there was a swift response from the Feds. San Jose Mercury News had a big article "Lost Decade" in its first page with a Nasdaq index chart - though there is still two months away to the ten years anniversary of the Nasdaq bubble peak. It clearly shows that the Nasdaq peaks at 5048 on March 10, 2000. It apparently points at my words in last post "Within days, the Nasdaq market went downwards. That was the start of the evaporation of the bubble." (The time I referred was September 2000.)

Yes, the Nasdaq bubble did break off on March 10, 2000. It did follow what I said, that the Feds manipulate the Nasdaq stock to collaborate with the persecution on me. The internet surveillance team thought they found a flaw in my article so they made a rapid response to discredit. That's because they might have not taken part in the persecution in March 2000.

On March 2, 2000, I went to US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand to complain that FBI abused power to manipulate bank remittance. The staff there told me to file a written complaint to the legal Attaché. (Years later, I learned that legal -Attaché is the title of FBI representative in foreign embassies). I wrote a letter, here is part of it. (see " 37. Manipulate Bank operation")

Re: Letter to Mr. Ralph Horton
"March 7, 2000

Mr. Ralph Horton
Legal Attache
95 Wireless Rd.
Bangkok 10330


Obviously, my complaint on March 7 caused a swift response from the Feds. A decision of elimination was made. That was why you saw the Nasdaq index reached its peak on March 10 and went downwards since, because in their new project the target would be eliminated soon. It was unnecessary to maintain Nasdaq at high level any more.

In following days, I encountered an attempt to frame me in a drug case. I was in panic and seek political asylum in Foreign Ministry of Thailand on March 22, 2000. (see "49. Frame attempting" and "50. Seeking asylum") I managed to evade from that trap later and finally go back to US in July. Since the plot of the Feds failed, between May and August, Feds pulled back the falling Nasdaq index to maintain it around 4,000 level, lured my wife bought two stocks at that time. When I found this and urged my wife to sell the stock, Nasdaq market started its evaporation and after nearly ten years, still lost almost half of its value of the year 2000.

Nasdaq bubble and bubble were twins. Feds created it to make money both in stock market and housing market.

Feds bought a lot of real estate property in my case. These property mainly are in San Francisco area (where my parents and sister live) and San Jose Area (where I live). These two areas has another name - Silicone Valley - where there is a lot of high tech. company. Nasdaq bubble enable the Feds make big money on new listed high tech. company. Dot. com bubble increased the property value in Bay area where the Feds held a lot of houses.
1. From 12/30/1991 to 1/2/1995, in three years, the Dow Jones index curve is a flat one, bounding within 1,000 points. It basically follow the principle of investment with reasonable P/E value.

2. From Jan., 1995, Dow Jones index starts its climbing. In ten months, it was up more than 1,000 poins, and went upwards rapidly since. I would say start from that time stock market value is risky with a high P/E value. The purpose is to prevent my entering the stock market. (A lesson from Chinese stock market)

3. I bought the stock on 9/23/1998 and 9/25. It was at a periodical trough. I sold the stock on 4/21/1999, that was at the average peak value. I invested not on economical condition but on the opinion that the Feds would push the market up to save its own business.

629. Attack the Euro (3/13/2010)

Since Iran abandons dollar for Euro in its oil trading, a weak Euro would significantly hit Iran's economy. I saw in each attempt to have a war on Iran, it used to be followed with a plot to hit the Euro. The typical samples were: In January 2007, Russia had a dispute with Belarus and shut off the oil pipe for several days. In August 2008, Russia invaded Georgia where there was gas pipe line to Europe. In both events, if the crisis broadened, The oil and gas to Europe would have been cut. The European's economy would have been hurt and Euro would have depreciated. So would be Iran.

See "462. The collapse of Euro and worldwide economic crisis (1/20/07)", and "565. Georgia war and Russia, their role in Iran war (8/19/08)"

The resource to sabotage the Euro by the failures of energy supply exhausted. The plan to have war on Iran doesn't go through yet. What's next? We see the international financial speculators again.

You may have noticed that started from later January, the financial crisis of Greece became a hot topic in media. In article "The Bond Vigilantes who left Greece in Ruins" (Business Week 2/22/2010), the writer says, "On Feb.10, striking labor unions shut down schools.....

As of Feb. 10, European officials seemed to be angling for a compromise plan to aid Greece but on such harsh terms that no one else would want such a deal. .....

In the month through Feb.10, the yield on the Greek government's three-month bills soared from less than 1% to 4%....."

The timing reminded me of the Feb. 13 Chinese New Year's dinner plot. The Greek's financial problem was created for that plot. If the 2/13 plot went through, then there would be "terror attacks" which would have justify the war on Iran. At the same time Iran would have suffered a blow in its finance too - a devalued Euro. All these didn't go true because the 2/13 plot went soured.

Who created that crisis? In a meeting with President Obama on Mar.9, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou called for a clampdown on financial speculators he blamed for worsening his country's situation. Who are those international speculators? Goldman Sach was picked up particularly: "Goldman stars in this Greek tragedy - The firm's currency and bond deals for Greece have drawn fire" (Business Week 3/1/2010)

Russia had disputed over its neighbor countries(Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia) with attempt to shut down the oil and gas supply to Europe. Now it's the PIG'S four countries. (Greece, Ireland, Portuguese and Spain). They will appear in turn to pull down the Euro once there comes a renewed Iran war plot.
633. Volcano eruption (4/23/2010)

In February, Counterterrorism expert Juval Aviv talked in a FOX broadcast:

"I predict, based primarily on information that is floating in Europe and the Middle East, that an event is imminent and around the corner here in the United States. It could happen as soon as tomorrow, or it could happen in the next few months. Ninety days at the most."


Now more than two months has passed. There were many attempts to frame a drug case in these two months, and the plot to activate false flag terror attack as well. According to the character of the Feds that they used to make money on such big "terror attack", what did they do to take advantage on this "90 days plot"?

A volcano in Iceland which had been dormant for 200 years erupted on 4/14. The ash cloud from the volcano halted most air traffic in Europe for almost a week.

"Volcano costs airlines $2 billion

By Arthur Max

Associated Press 4/22/2010

.... An aviation group called the financial fallout worse than the three-day worldwide shutdown after the 2001 terrorist attacks in United States."

Do you still remember the unusual trading in stock market during 911 attack? Someone bought huge numbers of PUTS on airline stock and future option trades in the weeks before the attacks of September 11. They made big money on these speculations.

Same case repeated in September 2007 when a B-52 carried nuclear missiles flied over US Continent on 8/31/2007. I alleged that was an attempt of "nuclear terror attack". There were also unusual "Bin Laden" trading in US and Europe stock market with that event.

So would the same speculators miss this "90 days utmost" chance? As we have seen, they had a busy "60 days" in February and March, plot came one after another. When it failed to go through, what for their huge investment in future contract market? To avoid a huge loss in their speculation, a volcano eruption created to replace the "terror attack".

The 4/14 volcano eruption in Iceland is not a coincidence. It is in the last "30 days" of the "90 days utmost" - the harvest days for the Feds. The longer the air traffic halted, the larger loss the airlines suffered, the more profit the Feds will make.
Sucker Bait

Here is a whole page advertisement in San Jose Mercury News on August 24, 2009:

Cash for Gold comes to Cupertino

With unemployment and foreclosures at a record high in California, ARC Capital Investments will host another fun, safe and lucrative cash for gold purchasing event here in Cupertino to help stimulate the economy. Many people are already very aware of the benefits of such an event due to the many advertisements on television, radio and the Internet.

ARC Capital Investments, a California state-licensed precious metals dealer, has a different approach to the demand and supply of precious metals. Owner of ARC, hosts a 4-day event in the Cypress Hotel, a very well established and reputable hotel, in order to ensure 100% client interaction.

The Gold Evaluation Process
........ "

The price of the gold in August was around $950/ounce. ARC of course is not a charitable institution. When it pays huge to rent hotels and put advertisement to collect gold from area to area, how much do you think they expect to make in future gold market?

When media repeats on foreclosure and unemployment news, it squeezes people to sell gold and jewellry to speculators. The next financial balloon will be a gold bubble. At that time, the topic in media will be inflation. It will advise you to buy back gold. This is how the inside group controls this country and make money from each crisis.

ARC pays 40% of spot. Goldsmiths pay 60% for junk, 70% for fines, 80% to 90% for slugs and over 100% for character nuggets and samples. May as well give the stuff away as deal with ARC!

"2. From Jan., 1995, Dow Jones index starts its climbing. In ten months, it was up more than 1,000 poins, and went upwards rapidly since. I would say start from that time stock market value is risky with a high P/E value. The purpose is to prevent my entering the stock market. (A lesson from Chinese stock market)"

Let me get this straight. The market and trading around the world revolves around you? Having trouble connecting the dots here.
But you know what? Never mind.

"2. From Jan., 1995, Dow Jones index starts its climbing. In ten months, it was up more than 1,000 poins, and went upwards rapidly since. I would say start from that time stock market value is risky with a high P/E value. The purpose is to prevent my entering the stock market. (A lesson from Chinese stock market)"

Let me get this straight. The market and trading around the world revolves around you? Having trouble connecting the dots here.
But you know what? Never mind.

The US stock market is manipulated by the Feds. When it can block a target victim and they can also make money on it, they have no hesitate to do so. Even when it lost money. Because the loss always transfer to the ordinary customer. What they need to do is just control the manager of the bank and mutual funds and hedge funds. When it made profit, the big heads had a fat bonus. When there was a loss, the loss is customers. And heads still can have a big bonus because there is a contract, they say.

Though hard to believe, I am such an important target that the Feds made a big payment in their elimination plan. Compare with it manipulate the stock market is tiny. See below:

610. The road of persecution (9/23/09)

1. I was a seller in flea market. In 1991, I learned from newspaper that one importer from whom I had bought merchandise was arrested for drug smuggling. I found I was under surveillance too.

2. Several months later, my leg was hurt and couldn't move. I found it was caused by the radiation of isotope money. Feds uses it to tracking place where people keep cash. My health was seriously hurt. I complained to the Federal attorney. Since then I became a murder target of the Feds. The murder method included E.M. wave shooting.

3. In 1994, I went to China, wish to get rid of the persecution from the Feds. I found in China I still was under surveillance. The payment for China's co-operation was to improve China's trading with US. In that year, China got the most favored nation treatment from the US. My China trip may motivated the OKC bombing.

4. In 1995, FBI created Oklahoma bombing in order to get more police power. With OKC bombing FBI director Louis Freeh proposed an Act which is similar to the Patriot Act but failed.
The evidence that FBI involved in OKC bombing can be found in court document:

5. In March 1999, as the persecution intensified, I had to leave US again. Because China has been bought by the Feds, I went to South-east Asia. In March, 2000, there was an attempt to frame me in a drug case, I had tried to seek asylum in the Foreign Minister of Thailand.

6. In 2000, when I returned to US, the bitter experience motivated me to expose the ugly face of the Feds in the Internet. I wrote a journal style article "The dark side of US" with every five days a story. It now accumulates to 610 messages. It really touched the nerve of the Feds. I think it was one of the reasons they activated 911.

7. In early April, 2001, Feds (DOD and DOJ) created EP-3 spy plane incident. In negotiation to release the spy plane crew, FBI and DEA signed a secret deal with Chinese government. In the secret deal, China would frame a drug case. The payment was huge. China was granted to host 2008 Olympic Game and to be a member of WTO. China was greatly benefitted by this deal. As a result, China now becomes the second economic power in the world. Because of that deal, both the director of FBI and DEA resigned in April and left their posts three months later.

to see the secret deal about spy-plane at:

8. My brother in law is a business man who imported goods from China. I alleged the Chinese secret police planted drugs in merchandise he imported. The first plot was planed on June 11, 2001. Feds set McVeigh's execution date on that day to distract public's attention. I revealed the secret deal in the Internet.

9. After the 6/11 plot went soured, Feds prepared 911 attack. Silverstein negotiated to lease the World Trade Center in New York and signed the contract in July. The 911 attack did what OKC bombing hadn't achieved - Feds got the power they wanted, that is the Patriot Act.

10. On May 3, 2002, my brother in law had a birthday party. I thought the Feds had set up a trap and didn't attend it. I revealed it in the Internet. Several days later, my tenant (who rented a bedroom in my house) and a neighbor, suddenly left. Both the two came from China. Later I learned from the news that FISA court rebuked A.G. Ashcroft for deceiving the judge. Thus I knew I was under the surveillance of FISA warranty. The two were Chinese secret police, placed in my house and neighbor by the Feds. They had to leave after the FISA court withdrew the warranty.

11. I alleged the tenant (Chinese secret police) planted drugs in my house. Because in following years, several times Feds tried to perform searches by disguising as roofing contractor or garage door contractor. (to reach their goal, the roof file and garage door were damaged.)

12. Since then many framed cases were plotted. The latest case is trying to perform search in the name of IRS. To reach their goal, my wife deliberately filed wrong tax return. I had to abandon the joint tax return. One event they created was the Virginia Tech. massacre which was used to distract the framed case. It took place on April. 17, 2007 - the last day to file the tax return. When the Feds expected me to file the tax return.