
Nope, she has a boyfriend. I only even talk about her when I'm drunk and sad, otherwise I realize no one cares and that it's inappropriate to mention anyway. It embarrasses me when you guys bring it up that I've talked about some obscure fancy of mine from high school and community college with you. O_O

You should totally get in her pants.
You should totally get in her pants.

The laws of the universe, randomly dealt out without reason at the beginning of the universe, including random and senselessly ignorant input from quantum mechanics, have not decided it to be. They have decided that I am not worthy of reproduction, and that some wifebeater from Texas with an IQ of 80 or so should take my stead. Who am I to complain?
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The laws of the universe, randomly dealt out without reason at the beginning of the universe, including random and senselessly ignorant input from quantum mechanics, have not decided it to be. They have decided that I am not worthy of reproduction with something so fine, and that some wifebeater from Texas with an IQ of 80 or so should take my stead. Who am I to complain?

Yeah, random, uncaring quantities decided not to care. Way to be consistent there, Watermark.

The Texas man appears to be unworthy, seeing as how he is below 90... Then again, he's not you, so maybe there is something to his character.
Yeah, random, uncaring quantities decided not to care. Way to be consistent there, Watermark.

The Texas man appears to be unworthy, seeing as how he is below 90... Then again, he's not you, so maybe there is something to his character.

The universe doesn't care. He's going to die anyway. Then what does his character or spousal abuse matter?
The universe doesn't care. He's going to die anyway. Then what does his character or spousal abuse matter?

So we should all just become communists and murder, rape, and pillage our way through life, because there's nothing to hold us accountable in the end? That would explain your fascination with it...
So we should all just become communists and murder, rape, and pillage our way through life, because there's nothing to hold us accountable in the end? That would explain your fascination with it...

1. My moral emotions restrain me from raping and pillaging.

2. If the neurons responsible for my desire for a'rapin and a'pillagin overcome the neurons responsible for morality, I shall be deterred in a Pavlovian sense by other peoples desire for vengeance, and my desire to avoid such retribution.

3. If the neurons responsible for desirin' a'rapin and a'pillagin overcome both of those setbacks, I'm probably not going to live a very happy life because people are actually going to take vengeance against me. Vengeance is actually a fairly efficient algorithm for enforcing order in an individualistic society, and this is why evolution programmed it into you.

I still find it faintly hilarious, however, that ignorant men like SM who believe that the world was created in 6k year and believe that God gives them a decree from heaven to take out vengeance on whomever they don't happen to like are just slaves to some ancient evolutionary algorithm.
It is, strangely, not very satisfying to know that the laws of morality are just some subjective thing that happens to come together by societal consensus. But, logically, why should it be any less satisfying than knowing that they are some universal law like gravity?

This is not to argue moral relativity. I still think that it can be argued that the barbarians who practice the death penalty, or genital mutilation, or torture, or any obvious and clear atrocity can be logically and morally argued against under any context.
The fact is, you have reason to believe in any shred of morality. Nice job pulling that algore-ithm out of your ass in the first post, though...
The fact is, you have reason to believe in any shred of morality. Nice job pulling that algore-ithm out of your ass in the first post, though...

Well, actually, in game theory tests for the most efficient algorithm for iterated prisoners delimna, tit-for-tat almost always comes out on top. It does not surprise me at all that evolution has evolved humans to, act in a similar manner. In actuality such a move is somewhat selfless, because it is for the good of the tribe at large, and we pursue it even when it would have no real benefit to ourselves. This is further proof to me that group evolution sometimes comes into play with species.

The only real exceptions to this rule would be creatures like ants or bees, in which only the queen and a few drones are actually involved in mating and the rest do whatever is best to keep the queen alive. An ant has absolutely no regard for its life because for millions of few ants have been evolved in reproducing. Why would you value your own life if you didn't reproduce? They are the ultimate communists.