Gonzo's Last Lie


Junior Member
The NY Times reporter covering the Gonzalez resignation last weekend called the Department of Justice on both Saturday and Sunday and asked the spokesman about the rumor going around that Gonzalez was going to resign. The spokesperson said something to the effect of, "The Attorney General has authorized me to say that this rumor is entirely untrue."

He then resigned on Monday, having had Bush accept his resignation on Friday.

Isn't this pretty much a great reflection of the way the entire administration has run EVERYTHING for about the past seven years? They're not even ashamed of lying now, if they ever were ashamed.
The NY Times reporter covering the Gonzalez resignation last weekend called the Department of Justice on both Saturday and Sunday and asked the spokesman about the rumor going around that Gonzalez was going to resign. The spokesperson said something to the effect of, "The Attorney General has authorized me to say that this rumor is entirely untrue."

He then resigned on Monday, having had Bush accept his resignation on Friday.

Isn't this pretty much a great reflection of the way the entire administration has run EVERYTHING for about the past seven years? They're not even ashamed of lying now, if they ever were ashamed.
Go back to when Snow changed jobs to become spokesman. the same thing happened. the move was denied but then it happened.
The NY Times reporter covering the Gonzalez resignation last weekend called the Department of Justice on both Saturday and Sunday and asked the spokesman about the rumor going around that Gonzalez was going to resign. The spokesperson said something to the effect of, "The Attorney General has authorized me to say that this rumor is entirely untrue."

He then resigned on Monday, having had Bush accept his resignation on Friday.

Isn't this pretty much a great reflection of the way the entire administration has run EVERYTHING for about the past seven years? They're not even ashamed of lying now, if they ever were ashamed.

Yes. And then the NY Times reported it as "the spokesman misled the Time". No, he lied to the Times. Why can't they use the word lie?
Yes. And then the NY Times reported it as "the spokesman misled the Time". No, he lied to the Times. Why can't they use the word lie?
Can they prove that the spokesperson actually lied? All he said was, "The AG has permitted me to say this, 'blah, blah (insert what they were directed to say)'."
Can they prove that the spokesperson actually lied? All he said was, "The AG has permitted me to say this, 'blah, blah (insert what they were directed to say)'."

No, GONZALES lied. He told the spokesman to relay a lie. The spokesman isn't guilty of lying, but Gonzo is.
No, GONZALES lied. He told the spokesman to relay a lie. The spokesman isn't guilty of lying, but Gonzo is.
Yes, but that isn't what they reported, they reported the "Spokesman said..." and that because of that they were misled.

They are being careful, they can't prove that anybody lied.
Gonzo is not gone yet so I doubt that it will be his last lie.

Could be that the guy is just mentally challenged.

"President Washington, President Lincoln, President Wilson, President Roosevelt have all authorized electronic surveillance on a far broader scale." ... Alberto Gonzalez
Hence my request for a link... I may just look it up in snopes.

Damo, did you see the exact quote from Gonzales' spokeperson? I'm just wondering if its like people when asked if they are going to run for President say, "At this time, I have no plans to run for President" when of course you know they are going to run.
Damo, did you see the exact quote from Gonzales' spokeperson? I'm just wondering if its like people when asked if they are going to run for President say, "At this time, I have no plans to run for President" when of course you know they are going to run.
Ohh were you talking about official plans filed and on record ?

I know of one deal after a merger where a vp called everyone together and said we have no plans for layoffs and then went from there to a meeting to make plans for layoffs.
so technically speaking, vs reality....
Ohh were you talking about official plans filed and on record ?

I know of one deal after a merger where a vp called everyone together and said we have no plans for layoffs and then went from there to a meeting to make plans for layoffs.
so technically speaking, vs reality....

No, I'm just talking about rhetoric. For example, Michael Bloomberg. He has said he has no plans to run for President at this time. I don't think anyone will be surprised if one day he announces he's going to run. Many, many politicians have used this technique.
No, I'm just talking about rhetoric. For example, Michael Bloomberg. He has said he has no plans to run for President at this time. I don't think anyone will be surprised if one day he announces he's going to run. Many, many politicians have used this technique.

Same thing I was trying to say.

Heck you never know, Gore might run yet.
Damo, did you see the exact quote from Gonzales' spokeperson? I'm just wondering if its like people when asked if they are going to run for President say, "At this time, I have no plans to run for President" when of course you know they are going to run.
That is what I am thinking. I think they gave the spokesperson plausible deniability. Especially in the wording. "I have been given authorization to say...(insert whatever here)".

This is why the story says, 'misled' rather than lied. They'll call it a miscommunication. Politicians do this all the time. They want to control the flow of information.