Gonzo's Last Lie

Wow. I found it on a billion bloggers, but not on any regular news source.

I'm not saying he did say it, but I think at least some serious editorial writer would have said something. There are plenty of them who are not GOP staffers.

Now I'd like to see what he gave in his opening statement. I think it far more likely he gave information on their abuse of powers as an excuse and misspoke in a very funny way.

Here is the transcript:

Anyway, here is the beginning statements, he was talking about surveillance, and simply added the word "electronic"...

General Washington, for example, instructed his army to intercept letters between British operatives, copy them and allow those communications to go on their way.

President Lincoln used the warrantless wiretapping of telegraph messages during the Civil War to discern the movements and intentions of opposing troops.

President Wilson, in World War I, authorized the military to intercept each and every cable, telephone and telegraph communication going into or out of the United States.

During World War II, President Roosevelt instructed the government to use listening devices to learn the plans of spies in the United States. He also gave the military the authority to review, without warrant, all telecommunications, quote, "passing between the United States and any foreign country."

LOL. One word changes everything...

But he was accurate on all the others except Washington. Lincoln did electronic surveillance, as well as Wilson and Roosevelt.
Anyway, here is the beginning statements, he was talking about surveillance, and simply added the word "electronic"...

LOL. One word changes everything...

But he was accurate on all the others except Washington. Lincoln did electronic surveillance, as well as Wilson and Roosevelt.

Of course one word changes everything. There would be no humor in it if it didn't!
Lincoln used electronic surveillence?
Yes, telegraphs. He tapped all the telegraph lines to seek communications between spies and enemies.

I knew he had telegraph lines from balloons to ground on the front but you really didn't have to tap lines in those days. Any telegrapher could listen in on the "party line".
I knew he had telegraph lines from balloons to ground on the front but you really didn't have to tap lines in those days. Any telegrapher could listen in on the "party line".
Yes, but the government was limited by Amendment IV even then. Thus they could not legally just tap and listen in on the "party line" without a warrant. Private conversations were listened to, people were arrested, habeas corpus was suspended and people were jailed without trial.
Yes, but the government was limited by Amendment IV even then. Thus they could not legally just tap and listen in on the "party line" without a warrant. Private conversations were listened to, people were arrested, habeas corpus was suspended and people were jailed without trial.

Life in the real world. The eavesdropping isn't a big deal with me because I've always assumed someone is listening. Growing up in the party line era can do that to a fella. Sure was fun listening to the neighbors when I was a kid!
Life in the real world. The eavesdropping isn't a big deal with me because I've always assumed someone is listening. Growing up in the party line era can do that to a fella. Sure was fun listening to the neighbors when I was a kid!
My mother would have killed me. Seriously. I'd have been beaten within an inch of death if I played that one. Thankfully we had our own line, because I doubt I could have resisted.

Eavesdropping is a bit different than being put in jail for a violation of your Fourth Amendment rights.
Anyway, here is the beginning statements, he was talking about surveillance, and simply added the word "electronic"...

LOL. One word changes everything...

But he was accurate on all the others except Washington. Lincoln did electronic surveillance, as well as Wilson and Roosevelt.

General Washington intercepting letters between British officers, is just like wiretapping American citizens.

Yep, if only Gonzo hadn't f'd up and used the word "electronic" his statement would have made total sense. Even today, you see liberals up in arms over American Generals intercepting communications between Al Qaeda soldiers. That's exactly what this whole wiretapping scandal is about.

Become a Republican! It's easier than thinking!
General Washington intercepting letters between British officers, is just like wiretapping American citizens.

Yep, if only Gonzo hadn't f'd up and used the word "electronic" his statement would have made total sense. Even today, you see liberals up in arms over American Generals intercepting communications between Al Qaeda soldiers. That's exactly what this whole wiretapping scandal is about.

Become a Republican! It's easier than thinking!
The Washington thing is a serious stretch, there was no Constitution at that time.
And the term electronic is stretching things a bit for Lincoln as well since all they had was the electromechanical telegraph.

and damo before you go print a dictionary extract for me.
Yes it now says basically anything having to do with electrons, but I still do not consider lightening electronic.
And the term electronic is stretching things a bit for Lincoln as well since all they had was the electromechanical telegraph.

and damo before you go print a dictionary extract for me.
Yes it now says basically anything having to do with electrons, but I still do not consider lightening electronic.
However, it is technically correct. I was fascinated. At first I was like, "Lincoln?! What a moron!" But then I looked it up....
well the term electronic did not exist until what 90 yrs or so ago ?
It seemed to come about with the advent of the vacuum tube.
well the term electronic did not exist until what 90 yrs or so ago ?
It seemed to come about with the advent of the vacuum tube.
Right and the term Light Bulb didn't exist for decades after its invention. Does that mean it didn't exist before then?

Seriously, you even admit the dictionary doesn't agree with your minutiae on this argument.
Right and the term Light Bulb didn't exist for decades after its invention. Does that mean it didn't exist before then?

Seriously, you even admit the dictionary doesn't agree with your minutiae on this argument.
Yeah the dictionary is full of crap now and changes frequently.