Good News About Baby Boomers

Poor little selfish....such a narcissist. Didn't "brag" about anything...just stated facts.

Loser? Fuck you. I'm a good, caring person who takes care of folk who CAN'T take care of themselves. As opposed to you, who really only seems to care about himself.

So....if you gauge people on their personal incomes...maybe I am a loser in your eyes...I don't give a shit. My soul is way more important to me than my checkbook.'s really a matter of and power vs. doing good. Guess I choose the side of Good.
Only a loser thinks you can't have both!'s my concern with the hundreds of millions who can't make it without yours and my tax dollars subsidizing their employers so they don't have to pay enough to live on.....but....after seeing what selfish pricks you and 3d are...why am I not surprised that you guys would think it's about me?
Factually incorrect simpleton
We don't even have hundreds of millions of workers total
No....I rant FOR those with less than me. A lot less....people who are busting their asses, don't have the time, money or fucking ENERGY to "better" themselves because they are too busy raising a fucking family on wages that they can't survive on....and they don't have mommy and daddy to cover their asses till they do get educated....because they are dirt poor too.

But, that's alright....if it makes you FEEL better...make it about me.
Everyone has time to better themselves.
In the words of the immortal bob marley
If you want to go somewhere, you better start!

The Boomers are finally realizing what a bunch of colossal fuck-ups they are, and offing themselves in dramatically increased numbers. And people wonder about the value of keeping guns legal, making drugs legal, and increasing adult access to hard liquor?


The boomers are the same fucking idiots that voted in majority for Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, G. H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, G. W. Bush, Barrack Obama and the revolving musical chairs majorities of Democrats and Republicans that endlessly fester the Congress. That alone is enough to cause a soaring rate of suicides. At least they’re smart enough to realize they allowed the bastards to eradicate the American Dream.
Everyone has time to better themselves.
In the words of the immortal bob marley
If you want to go somewhere, you better start! and dad are working at McD's....pulling as many hours as they can to keep a roof over their heads....Jr is stuck with babysitter that the parent's can't afford and can't afford to be without.

I don't think you have a firm grasp on what's happening out there.
It's funny to hear these candy assed x-gens and millenials whine and cry about boomers. Why? Cause they haven't accomplished shit for this country and their jealous.

What have Boomers done? They made this a more inclusive, tolerant and diverse nation. They ended the Jim Crow era in the south. They gave women reproductive freedoms and fairness in the work place, They put men on the moon and brought them back alive. They created the digital revolution with geosynchronis satellite communications and created the internet. Boomers ended the cold war and brought down the wall and have nearly eliminated the specter of nuclear war. It was the Boomers who cleaned up pollution and made factories safer places to work.

Most of you piss ant XGeners and Millenials are clueless about the social changed Boomers made that have radically changed our nation for the better.

Racial Descrimination - The greaterst generation accepted institutionalized bigotry right on up through the 80. Now it's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomer agitated for change.

Women were not permitted their own sexual, political or financial freedoms thought th e 1960. They couldn't get credit, they were denied reproducitve choices, they were harrassed sexually in the work place. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomer agitated for change.

Factories used to belch filth and poison into our air, water and land with utterly no concern for who they harmed or poisoned. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

Gay's were forced to stay in the closet and lead a seperate life and were descriminated against. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

Interacial mariages, where illegal when I was born. That's no longer tolrated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

The government used to be able to arbitrarily send young men to war to die without their having a say. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

So why are the Xgeners and Millenials jealous. Cause they feel entitled to what the Greatest generation sacrificed their lives and their futures for and what the Boomers busted their asses to create and change. Their just simply jealous cause they feel entitled to what we and those who came before created and becuase they haven't accomplished jack shit. Their the first generation of Americans to be less successful than the preceding generation and it's their own damned fault.

Maybe if they got off their dead asses and quit whining and actually accomplished something they might stop their whining but given that their the "Entitled" generation, I don't expect that will happen anytime soon!
It's funny to hear these candy assed x-gens and millenials whine and cry about boomers. Why? Cause they haven't accomplished shit for this country and their jealous.

What have Boomers done? They made this a more inclusive, tolerant and diverse nation. They ended the Jim Crow era in the south. They gave women reproductive freedoms and fairness in the work place, They put men on the moon and brought them back alive. They created the digital revolution with geosynchronis satellite communications and created the internet. Boomers ended the cold war and brought down the wall and have nearly eliminated the specter of nuclear war. It was the Boomers who cleaned up pollution and made factories safer places to work.

Most of you piss ant XGeners and Millenials are clueless about the social changed Boomers made that have radically changed our nation for the better.

Racial Descrimination - The greaterst generation accepted institutionalized bigotry right on up through the 80. Now it's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomer agitated for change.

Women were not permitted their own sexual, political or financial freedoms thought th e 1960. They couldn't get credit, they were denied reproducitve choices, they were harrassed sexually in the work place. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomer agitated for change.

Factories used to belch filth and poison into our air, water and land with utterly no concern for who they harmed or poisoned. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

Gay's were forced to stay in the closet and lead a seperate life and were descriminated against. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

Interacial mariages, where illegal when I was born. That's no longer tolrated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

The government used to be able to arbitrarily send young men to war to die without their having a say. That's no longer tolerated. Why? Cause Boomers agitated for change.

So why are the Xgeners and Millenials jealous. Cause they feel entitled to what the Greatest generation sacrificed their lives and their futures for and what the Boomers busted their asses to create and change. Their just simply jealous cause they feel entitled to what we and those who came before created and becuase they haven't accomplished jack shit. Their the first generation of Americans to be less successful than the preceding generation and it's their own damned fault.

Maybe if they got off their dead asses and quit whining and actually accomplished something they might stop their whining but given that their the "Entitled" generation, I don't expect that will happen anytime soon!

just an fyi... the OLDEST of the boomers was around 22 when man first walked on the moon and 26 when the last landing occurred. Just like a boomer to try and steal credit. and dad are working at McD's....pulling as many hours as they can to keep a roof over their heads....Jr is stuck with babysitter that the parent's can't afford and can't afford to be without.

I don't think you have a firm grasp on what's happening out there.

Why would you have a child if you can't afford one?
just an fyi... the OLDEST of the boomers was around 22 when man first walked on the moon and 26 when the last landing occurred. Just like a boomer to try and steal credit.
And those were about the average age of the mission specialist and mission control specialist.

So what have the Gen X'rs done other than bitch and whine about how entitled they are?
Oh yea....another Boomer accomplishment. They mapped the human genome. The greatest scientific achievement of the 1990's though technically not completed till 2003.

So what have Gen Xr's done?

Oh yea....another Boomer accomplishment. They mapped the human genome. The greatest scientific achievement of the 1990's though technically not completed till 2003.

So what have Gen Xr's done?


Yeah my biology teacher was one of the guys involved. He's a Gen X'er. So you Boomers can't claim that shit like it was all you.