Some people don’t know how separate and unequal America was before the 1960s. It was like monkey see, monkey do (honkey see, honkey do) when it came to racism and the treatment of black folks. This is what happens when hatred and bigotry are practiced “just because.”
So just when did this hatred and fear of the black man begin?
Racism in America is as old as America itself. When white explorers set foot on American soil and saw what they called a “Red Man,” they immediately began enforcing the white privilege they had been taught.
Why do you pretend that racism is unique to America?
Why do you pretend that the Democratic Party of the Jackass wasn't the party of racists?
Why do you pretend that we didn't fight a massive civil war to settle the issue of slavery?
Why do you pretend the Democratic Party of the Jackass care about blacks?
Why are you such a prolific race hustling moron?