Goodbye Board! :(

OMG. My work day is so long now that I can't log on. This sucks. Can't you change this site to general news Damo?
OMG. My work day is so long now that I can't log on. This sucks. Can't you change this site to general news Damo?

I can change the site, but we have to talk about the terms. I'm going to beat those dopey mormons one way or another.
I can change the site, but we have to talk about the terms. I'm going to beat those dopey mormons one way or another.

LOL Well anything will help. I'm so freakin' addicted to this site. Pathetic. Or maybe I just needed a cold turkey intervention to get me off.
My work just started filtering bulletin boards and forums. Looks like I won't be around nearly as much.

I'll try to check in every now and then, but usually when this happens to a user they drop off the face of the earth.

I changed the meta tags and description a bit. Give it a try again on Monday and see what happens...