Goodwill Stores Reflect on One of America's Biggest Issues, Pay Equality

Oh! So I’m supposed to believe you won’t provide a rational argument because you don’t want to do my homework? You’re a funny little clueless fellow there Junior Goober.

Of course you can explain just what it is that the pooo have to be stolen by big bad corporations, but you just don’t want to enlighten the morons, huh?

Your twin brother Dude is waiting for you in the sand box Junior Goober. Go pound sand up each-other’s ass!!!!

I could debate you better if you talked like an adult and not a 12 year old.............I'll call the unemployed "pooo" since that is how you labeled them.

Thousands and thousands of Americans are getting laid off because a select few can get more money if they outsource the labor job and this will always be the case if we are a successful Country that pays our people more than the third world countries. But today, we are seeing more and more high end professionals getting laid off too.

Yet MINIMAL Americans stop to think; "Why are the top making so much and the bottom making so little" Even though this has been a topic since the dawn of time. The Bible even asks you to spread your wealth and not hoard it. Yet today we have Corporations making record profits and workers wages are at an all time low. We also have a record unemployment...<---------------------

So do we listen to the Corporate corrupt politicians stating we should stop unemployment and welfare for people out of work? Or should we fight for AMERICAN jobs? (Hint; The Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 was voted down by the Corporate Right) This bill would have stopped the tax deductions for outsourcing and given American Industry the tax deductions. Yet, if that were the case, the American Manufacturing plant would have paid American taxes.

So we are the greatest nation in the world but we will always be pulled back by standards of the worst nations. WELCOME TO POLITICS.
“Debate?” When the fuck have you ever provided anything resembling a fucking debate??? You’re a clueless absurd little juvenile.

I, unlike you, believe in the free market place. I unlike you believe in the constitutional rule of law. I unlike you believe that environmental justice and the free market are NOT mutually exclusive, one of the other. Of course that’s beyond your juvenile intellect.

You unlike me knows nothing about oil fracking and think that people can just avoid it by not buying oil, even though they will still drink the water.

Be real kid. I always hold a strong debate and you always resort to "you are stupid" tactics just like in this post.
I could debate you better if you talked like an adult and not a 12 year old.............I'll call the unemployed "pooo" since that is how you labeled them.

Thousands and thousands of Americans are getting laid off because a select few can get more money if they outsource the labor job and this will always be the case if we are a successful Country that pays our people more than the third world countries. But today, we are seeing more and more high end professionals getting laid off too.

Yet MINIMAL Americans stop to think; "Why are the top making so much and the bottom making so little" Even though this has been a topic since the dawn of time. The Bible even asks you to spread your wealth and not hoard it. Yet today we have Corporations making record profits and workers wages are at an all time low. We also have a record unemployment...<---------------------

So do we listen to the Corporate corrupt politicians stating we should stop unemployment and welfare for people out of work? Or should we fight for AMERICAN jobs? (Hint; The Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 was voted down by the Corporate Right) This bill would have stopped the tax deductions for outsourcing and given American Industry the tax deductions. Yet, if that were the case, the American Manufacturing plant would have paid American taxes.

So we are the greatest nation in the world but we will always be pulled back by standards of the worst nations. WELCOME TO POLITICS.

Should businesses lose deductions for eliminating jobs to technology?
I always hold a strong debate and you always resort to "you are stupid" tactics just like in this post.

Your post are leftist gibberish. Your ramblings are boring. Your intellect is juvenile. You’re a clueless 3rd grader that watches too much MSNBC. And you couldn’t debate your fucking way out of a paper bag!
Your post are leftist gibberish. Your ramblings are boring. Your intellect is juvenile. You’re a clueless 3rd grader that watches too much MSNBC. And you couldn’t debate your fucking way out of a paper bag!

Then why do I constantly talk about politics and you constantly follow it up with "you are a big stupid dumb dumb" or the like.

You don't even know political basics. Debate me when you learn advanced politics. Otherwise it will just be more of the same "your a dumb dumb" talk.
That question wasn't proper English and did not have any link I could look at to figure out what you are asking.

First of all the sentence made perfect sense. Just because you have reading comprehension worse than Forest Gump is not my fault.

Second, do you really need a link to prove to you that jobs are lost to technology?

Come on you can't be that stupid
First of all the sentence made perfect sense. Just because you have reading comprehension worse than Forest Gump is not my fault.

Second, do you really need a link to prove to you that jobs are lost to technology?

Come on you can't be that stupid

Now you *flex up* with good English. I wonder why you didn't use it before..

Now you should go back and look at what you posted.

I fully realize that robots and technology have been replacing workers for decades now....decades....

The stupid is not on my part, the stupid is in your lack of an English based question. Ask what the question is in basic English, I will answer.
Then why do I constantly talk about politics and you constantly follow it up with "you are a big stupid dumb dumb" or the like.

Because you don’t talk about politics. You simply blather stupid talking points you learned on MSNBC, while all the time trying to convince idiots that you’re a right leaning anti-party genius. You’re a leftist Democrat ass kisser and your every post drips with socialist garbage.

You don't even know political basics. Debate me when you learn advanced politics. Otherwise it will just be more of the same "your a dumb dumb" talk.

You offer nothing valid and worthy of rational debate. Your post are like the mutterings of a simpleton in a fucking asylum. You are of juvenile intellect and a fucking fraud.
Now you *flex up* with good English. I wonder why you didn't use it before..

Now you should go back and look at what you posted.

I fully realize that robots and technology have been replacing workers for decades now....decades....

The stupid is not on my part, the stupid is in your lack of an English based question. Ask what the question is in basic English, I will answer.

You think that businesses that outsource labor should be penalized. The question is should they also be penalized for replacing people with technology?
You think that businesses that outsource labor should be penalized. The question is should they also be penalized for replacing people with technology?

Yes....because machines can't consume goods and services that are produced. The bottom line is this....the less money in the "everyman's" pocket...the more our economy suffers. If only the wealthy elite have money to spend....then our prosperity will always be limited to those few.

If the majority of the people can barely hold their heads above water....then the "frivolous" spending that our nation counts on for growth cannot occur.