GOP and women's rights in America.

And our insipidly stubborn and intellectually impotent barfly Bravo misses the entire conversation with his inane accusation. For those interested in what Bravo is so terrified in dealing with, check out the information in the links that his like minded compadre also had trouble with.

\This is the op of the our resident pinheadl, taichiliberal....

Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

If the GOP can muster up enough support to amend the Constitution on rights, to take away only womens rights and not alter men's rights.......then we can talk....

otherwise.....ignore this asshole, TC Liberall, and recognize him for the Clarabell Clown he is.....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Translation: The neocon/teabagger SuperFreak cannot logically or factually disprove the CONTENT of the Media Matters link, so he blows smoke.
Nobody bothers to disprove a far left wing propaganda cite.....whats the point...

We all know if its on Media Matters, it is by definition, left wing bullshit....and doesn't require rebuttal....

And Bravo demonstrates the difference between my wanting a rational, honest debate based on ALL available information and his proud willful ignorance and rhetorical propaganda (aka intellectual cowardice).
\This is the op of the our resident pinheadl, taichiliberal....

Are the Republicans/conservatives conducting a legislative "war on women"? You Bet'cha!

If the GOP can muster up enough support to amend the Constitution on rights, to take away only womens rights and not alter men's rights.......then we can talk....

otherwise.....ignore this asshole, TC Liberall, and recognize him for the Clarabell Clown he is.....

Oh put a sock in it, haven't the intellectual courage to actually READ any information that contradicts what Drudge and Kristol pablum feed you! The fact that you've fallen back on an antiquated reference in an attempt to insult me proves how bent out of shape you are in the face of FACTS that put your propaganda to shame.

First off, here's confirmation that the right wing has been LYING about federal funding for abortion:

Obama has angered women's groups by reaffirming no federal funds for abortion

And then we have to remember that Bravo is just too damn dumb to recognize that individual STATES can alter laws to suit their needs.....which is how the GOP neocon/teabagger politicos are trying to screw with women's rights. Observe:

Pregnancy in Arizona no longer begins at fertilization, reports the Daily Beast. Instead, thanks to a new bill signed by the state's Gov. Jan Brewer, pregnancy now legally begins on the first day of a woman's last period, the earliest delineation in American legislation. And while this bill may seem a matter of semantics, the possible ramifications on health care for women who want abortions could literally be life-changing

People like Bravo don't give a damn because it's not their wife/sister/mother/girlfriend in immediate need of any of the services the GOP is trying to hamper to the point of elimination. But Bravo will lurch off his barstool in ideological rage to spew whatever half-assed talking point Drudge put out that day when someone puts a factual spotlight on the dirty deeds of his right wing political gods.

The Media Matters link in the OP gives ample examples of the GOP enacting and proposing legislations in the States and in the Congress to do as I've previously described here. But bumpkins like Bravo just turn up their willful ignorance mode. "Bravo" indeed.