GOP, Condi, Russia & Freedom of the Press or; How About Some Democracy Here at Home!


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GOP, Condi, Russia & Freedom of the Press or; How About Some Democracy Here at Home!

This is a good example of how far we have come in our desire to bring freedom and democracy to other nations while leaving it out of our own national equation. First this headline:

"GOP Rep. Calls For Removal Of Embedded CNN Reporters Over Iraqi Sniper Video…"

Now it appears that someone in the administration is concerned about freedom of the press. In fact it’s Secretary of State Condi Rice but she’s not concerned about freedom of the press in America, no she’s still worried about that bad old Russian Bear:

"Condi Rice Criticizes Russia’s Limits on News Media"

Way to go guys, make sure that others are doing what they should but as for the American press, either toe the Party line to you are cut off from information.
Well miss neoconnie has to act outraged when the press's rights are infringed upon, just to cover for her partys infringement on the press at home.
Sometimes is it amusing to put headlines opposite each other to see how things work. I found this particular set of headlines sort of a metaphor for the last 6 years of Republican rule.
The republican administrations of recent times have all preached against the things someone else is doing that they are themselves doing.
The remaining Bush buddies are not capable of seeing the connection Toby. That is ok , we do not expect you to see it.
The facts> one congressman writes a letter saying CNN should not be allowed to have embedded reporter with the military if they are going to show terrorist proganda films showing the murder of american soldiers. No one locked up or killed from CNN, CNN was not closed down.

On the other hand the newspaper in Russian were closed, people killed and thrown in prison.

Same thing????? LOL
One congressman, the head of a very influential committe that oversees thase kinds of things. Lets not overly minimize the stupid or bad things your party does Toby ;)
Not even close to what's happening in Russia is it? This shows the lameness of liberal thought. Comparing people died and in prison for freedom of the press to a letter complaining about a news source. My how the libs suffer from lack of intellect.
How many journalists have been targeted by the Bush administraton since the war on terror started toby? Why is there a consistent rumor that Bush targeted specific journalists at al Jezeera? Why did Bush ask if they could just attack al Jeezera? Why did the Us Attack al Jezeera? Why have American soldiers been killling journalists in Iraq? Why have have more journalists died in Iraq in 3 years in a war that has killed only 3,000 of our forces than died in Vietnam in a war that lasted nearly 20 years and killed 54,000 American military personnel? Answer some of these questions please mr. toby!!!!!
Prak are you saying Bush killed journalist? Do you believe that? Do you think American soldiers are killing reporters on purpose at the direction of the President?
And that is quite a bit different than your orginal post, that btw, included no links to those articles you quoted.
toby you should get it straight. I did not quote articles, nor did I claim that I was quoting articles, I simple quoted headlines. And identified them as such.

At least be that honest mr. duplicity. I didn't quote an article so I did not link to an article.
Prak are you saying Bush killed journalist? Do you believe that? Do you think American soldiers are killing reporters on purpose at the direction of the President?
Does that statement have anything to do with your orginal post? Did you not cut and post headlines? If you are comparing the two include the whole story. A example of no links! Like I said before. I still addressed the thread and didn't make a big thing of no links.
Google is your friend. You should use it like I had to use it to find out where you got this goofy stuff you posted as some kind of basis for a serious discussion. Then you refused to answer my serious set of questions, by coming back with a question of your own. You still owe me answers.
Like I said>>>Does that statement have anything to do with your orginal post? Did you not cut and post headlines? If you are comparing the two include the whole story. A example of no links! Like I said before. I still addressed the thread and didn't make a big thing of no links

Forget the links and answer the questions.
are you saying Bush killed journalist? Do you believe that? Do you think American soldiers are killing reporters on purpose at the direction of the President