GOP, Condi, Russia & Freedom of the Press or; How About Some Democracy Here at Home!

How many journalists have been targeted by the Bush administraton since the war on terror started toby? Why is there a consistent rumor that Bush targeted specific journalists at al Jezeera? Why did Bush ask if they could just attack al Jeezera? Why did the Us Attack al Jezeera? Why have American soldiers been killling journalists in Iraq? Why have have more journalists died in Iraq in 3 years in a war that has killed only 3,000 of our forces than died in Vietnam in a war that lasted nearly 20 years and killed 54,000 American military personnel? Answer some of these questions please mr. toby!!!!!

I have yet to see you answer even one of the questions contained here. When you answer these questions I will answer yours. You have not answered these questions; until you do I feel there is no further need to discuss any of this further. What I think should be obvious from the questions that I asked. Answer these questions and quit running away from them.