GOP threatening debt ceiling debacle II

I envision Desh sitting in a room with a Wheel of Fortune like wheel on her wall with a list of her favorite "straw men" and "ad homs". When she gets in trouble rhetorically, which is quite often, she just gives it a spin and that is what you see her post

"you want babies to starve"

"you hate poor people"

"you want to government small enough to kill it"

It is quite amusing to watch
I envision Desh sitting in a room with a Wheel of Fortune like wheel on her wall with a list of her favorite "straw men" and "ad homs". When she gets in trouble rhetorically, which is quite often, she just gives it a spin and that is what you see her post

"you want babies to starve"

"you hate poor people"

"you want to government small enough to kill it"

It is quite amusing to watch

What's more amusing is you pretending that she's incorrect about the deficit shrinking.
ILA, not sure what your point is.

Yes, the deficit is going down. But we still have one. Therefore the debt ceiling needs to still be raised.

Let's keep it easy for you.

My debt ceiling is $100,000

I am currently within $20,000 of that

My debt next year will be only $70,000 instead of $100,000 that it was this year

To cover it, I need to increase the debt ceiling by 50,000. Deficit down, but still have to increase the debt ceiling.

(80,000 current debt plus the 70,000 in new debt)

I'm assuming you aren't that dumb, so you didn't really need that spelled out, so I assume you were just posting to be annoying.
Well, I accept the implicit concession that the deficit is shrinking. That's a start at least.

What stats are you using to reach the above conclusion? Got a link or something?

/facepalm.....good lord, read the fucking not rely on Desh for your information....

....Dung: I'm hungry....
here, I have a wide.....

....Dung: but I'm hungry, I don't want to open my mouth....
the food is wide.....

....Dung: why won't anyone listen!.....I'm hungry!....
/facepalm.....good lord, read the fucking not rely on Desh for your information....

Yeah, I read the news, cochese. This was published yesterday:

The Obama administration Monday said it expects this year’s annual budget deficit to come in sharply lower than it previously forecast, a development that officials used to make the case that deep cuts to spending should be reversed.

But the administration also acknowledged that the deficit is smaller this year partly because of those deep cuts, known as sequestration, which has been slicing billions from domestic and defense programs since it started taking effect March 1.

In its midyear review, the Office of Management and Budget said the deficit this year is expected to be $759 billion — $214 billion less than it had forecast in April, when President Obama released his 2014 budget plan. The administration counts $43 billion in reduced spending on defense and domestic programs — largely the result of sequestration — as contributing to the smaller deficit.

Other factors included much higher tax revenue in a year when a variety of taxes went up and an unusual payment from the federally backed mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as a result of their improving financial condition.

The administration’s review is the latest piece of evidence that the nation’s budget deficit, which exploded after the recession began in 2007, has become less of a short-term problem.

In May, the Congressional Budget Office estimated an even lower deficit this year — $672 billion, a projection that assumes that sequestration continues. The administration, however, wants to replace the across-the-board spending cuts with alternative reductions that it says are less harmful, as well as tax hikes.

Now, about those stats you are using to reach the conclusion that "the deficit has shrunk by less than the increased taxes."
What's more amusing is you pretending that she's incorrect about the deficit shrinking.

Uh oh, this is what they never want to happen. They want to keep their abuse of Desh under the radar so they can pretend she's "crazy". They definitely do NOT want DH of all people taking notice...and then posting his stupid facts! God I hate when he does that! He ruins everything!
ILA, not sure what your point is.

Yes, the deficit is going down. But we still have one. Therefore the debt ceiling needs to still be raised.

Let's keep it easy for you.

My debt ceiling is $100,000

I am currently within $20,000 of that

My debt next year will be only $70,000 instead of $100,000 that it was this year

To cover it, I need to increase the debt ceiling by 50,000. Deficit down, but still have to increase the debt ceiling.

(80,000 current debt plus the 70,000 in new debt)

I'm assuming you aren't that dumb, so you didn't really need that spelled out, so I assume you were just posting to be annoying.

Except you can't arbitrarily raise your debt ceiling can you?
Except you can't arbitrarily raise your debt ceiling can you?

Sure I can. I don't have to get a vote of congress and the senate.

If I say this year "I can't be more than 100,000 in debt" and next year I say "I can't be more than $150,000" in debt, I can do that!

Now if my creditors come after me, I'm in trouble, but assuming they don't mind the credit cards or HELOC running up, I can do that.

And the creditors won't come after the US unless we DON'T raise the debt ceiling and thus we stop making payments.
Yeah, I read the news, cochese. This was published yesterday:

Now, about those stats you are using to reach the conclusion that "the deficit has shrunk by less than the increased taxes."

well lets see, from your article, the deficit is down $214B.......there was $42B in spending "cuts" from much did revenues increase....

With the fiscal cliff deal and many Obamacare taxes taking effect, Americans will be slammed with an estimated $264 billion in new taxes this year alone — making 2013 memorable for delivering one of the largest one-year tax increases in American history.

so.......revenue up $264B, deficit down $214B....hows that add up for you?.....
well lets see, from your article, the deficit is down $214B.......there was $42B in spending "cuts" from much did revenues increase....

so.......revenue up $264B, deficit down $214B....hows that add up for you?.....

Um, the $214 billion is the delta between the April projected deficit for FY2013 and the June projected deficit for FY2013, not the delta between the FY2012 defict and the FY 2013 deficit (year to year actual numbers), which is what normal people refer to when talking about the deficit shrinking.

If you look at the year to year deficit projections of either the OMB (deficit shrinking by $328 billion) or the CBO (deficit shrinking by $445 billion), the reductions in the deficit are exceeded by the increases in revenues (OMB +$327 billion; CBO +$363 billion) and that's because the government is actually projected to spend less in FY2013 (OMB -$1 billion; CBO -$82 billion) than in did in FY2012.

Also, too, this is the second year in a row that spending in nominal dollars will go down.

So, yeah, it's good to read the news but it's even better to understand what you are reading.


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