GOP VICTORY LAP after Handel win GOP now 4-0 in contested specials since Trump won

That's funny cause you ain't winning, just the opposite, you got a President, under who umpteen investigations, who can't even get his own party to pass his agenda in a Congress they completely control, I don't think you have to have a PHD in civics to understand that ain't winning

Actually we have a President who is intent on making big changes to the status quo and a contingent, including those in his own party, that don't want that to happen. Unlike you 'rats, Republicans are not in lock-step. lol
Actually we have a President who is intent on making big changes to the status quo and a contingent, including those in his own party, that don't want that to happen. Unlike you 'rats, Republicans are not in lock-step. lol

Agreed. Many like Ryan and McCuntell are all about the status quo. We aren't going to defeat them overnight.

But Clingy Thingy is starting to realize that the tide has shifted away from leftism. We just need some liberal judges to move on.
Agreed. Many like Ryan and McCuntell are all about the status quo. We aren't going to defeat them overnight.

But Clingy Thingy is starting to realize that the tide has shifted away from leftism. We just need some liberal judges to move on.

Away from leftism?

The GOP POTUS and most Republicans now campaign on universal healthcare.

While you weren't paying attention, the left won.
Losing by single digit points in four strong GOP strongholds within months of the national election?

I wouldn't say that's great, but certainly promising considering midterms are over a year away.
Agreed. Many like Ryan and McCuntell are all about the status quo. We aren't going to defeat them overnight.

But Clingy Thingy is starting to realize that the tide has shifted away from leftism. We just need some liberal judges to move on.

What we need is to start impeaching judges who have not exercised "good behavior".
That's funny cause you ain't winning, just the opposite, you got a President, under who umpteen investigations, who can't even get his own party to pass his agenda in a Congress they completely control, I don't think you have to have a PHD in civics to understand that ain't winning

lol.....trollop you don't have a degree in civics and you aren't winning......