GOP Views Clinton As Virtually Unbeatable

"Just run an add, showing what a Gore presidency would have looked like in an alternate reality: No Iraq war, global warming solved, 9/11 attack thwarted, balanced budget, american honor and prestige in the world at all time highs, etc "

Here I thought smoking crack was still illegal. Obviously I am wrong, cause Cypress certainly wouldn't want to tarnish his high and mighty liberal image by breaking the law... yet here he is quite obviously smoking the crack pipe. ;)
"Just run an add, showing what a Gore presidency would have looked like in an alternate reality: No Iraq war, global warming solved, 9/11 attack thwarted, balanced budget, american honor and prestige in the world at all time highs, etc "

Here I thought smoking crack was still illegal. Obviously I am wrong, cause Cypress certainly wouldn't want to tarnish his high and mighty liberal image by breaking the law... yet here he is quite obviously smoking the crack pipe. ;)

"Gore won the popular vote last time."


"And, arguably, more people in florida voted for him. "

Arguably they didn't.

"Plus, Ralph Nader pulled a couple million votes from Gore. "

Well, if we are going THERE, then Gore likely never would have been VP if Perot hadn't drained so many votes from Bush in 1992 thus handing the Presidency to the Arkansas hillbillied-horny-pecker.

"And republicans have lost a lot of credibility since 2000. They're weaker."

First part true, but he wouldn't be running against Bush this time around either.
"They may not be running against Bush but they'll make it seem like it....count on it."

That may have worked in 2006 trying to get people into Congress, but if the Dems candidate (Hillary) trys to paint any ole pub as Bush... I think it will blow up in her face.
Not just any old pub only the ones that have been loyal to bush and his policys. After 6 yeaars and only one veto with repubs controlling both houses.....
"They may not be running against Bush but they'll make it seem like it....count on it."

That may have worked in 2006 trying to get people into Congress, but if the Dems candidate (Hillary) trys to paint any ole pub as Bush... I think it will blow up in her face.

I disagree.

The GOP in 2000, did everything they could to tie Gore to clinton and his moral transgressions. I think that strategy netted bush a couple million votes at least.

Bush is a worse nightmare for the GOP. He's going down in history as the worst, most incompetent two-term president ever. Anyone who's been his lapdog or tool, is going to have the stench of Bush hung around their neck.
"The GOP in 2000, did everything they could to tie Gore to clinton and his moral transgressions. I think that strategy netted bush a couple million votes at least. "

The difference to me is that Gore was Clintons VP. If Cheney were running, I would say your point is valid. But to try and tie Bush's failures to McCain/Hagel/Romney???? McCain, maybe to a minor extent, but the other two... doubtful.
McCain, maybe to a minor extent

????? ROTFLMAO A minor extent ? McCains waggin tongue is welded to Bush's ass.
"The GOP in 2000, did everything they could to tie Gore to clinton and his moral transgressions. I think that strategy netted bush a couple million votes at least. "

The difference to me is that Gore was Clintons VP. If Cheney were running, I would say your point is valid. But to try and tie Bush's failures to McCain/Hagel/Romney???? McCain, maybe to a minor extent, but the other two... doubtful.

Hagel hasn't even annouced if he's running. And he can't win a GOP primary even if he did - the GOP base is still too emotionally invested in defending their war, to elect an anti-war republican. Romney can't win the nomination either - a mormon from New England, with a record of supporting gay rights?

McCain, if he's nominated, will have his and bush's war, hung around his neck. And he has turned into a bush lap dog. That's gonna hurt him, IMO
I like Mitt, plus it would be cool to have a President named after winter apparel...

It would also be pretty cool to have a president named after small amphibians...
Hagel hasn't even annouced if he's running. And he can't win a GOP primary even if he did - the GOP base is still too emotionally invested in defending their war, to elect an anti-war republican. Romney can't win the nomination either - a mormon from New England, with a record of supporting gay rights?

McCain, if he's nominated, will have his and bush's war, hung around his neck. And he has turned into a bush lap dog. That's gonna hurt him, IMO

Cypress, I just read both of your signatures, together. I've seen the first one, sort of glanced at it, and then moved on. I never stopped to read both, and put them together.

I just cracked up, out loud.