So nothing to say about how completely useless it was to shut down the economy expect to fuck the average American?
Trump's the President.
Mitch McConnell is Leader of the Senate.
Your 'Imaginary Left' isn't running ANYTHING.
So nothing to say about how completely useless it was to shut down the economy expect to fuck the average American?
Wow, they must be desperate. Donald is letting Tiffany out of the basement. When the only people willing to speak at your convention are family members you have a serious problem. I actually might tune in just for the laughs.
Trump's the President.
Mitch McConnell is Leader of the Senate.
Your 'Imaginary Left' isn't running ANYTHING.
Nothing except a plot to unseat a duly elected president. Fact is you leftist idiots squealed for a shut down and then proceeded to blame bad economic news on trump. You people are stupid and incompetent.
We've been saying all long that Trumpism is a cult. This just nails it right here. All hail our glorious gourd-like leader!
There are no positions to debate, because Republicans LITERALLY have no positions on any issues. None. They are devoid of ideas. They are a cult of personality. Nothing more, nothing less. This just confirms it.
Well Yakuda. I have a different Theory.
The Elites, the Capitalists, the 1%ers, the Shareholding Class. To increase Profits and assure Price Appreciation of Company Stock, a Plan was hatched to 'trim the fat' by eliminating the Worker Drones from the Production Process. By taking advantage of the 'Pandemic', a perfect opportunity was presented to 'lay off Workers'. Jumping ahead by 20 years into the Replacement of the Worker Drone Class by Automation, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. 'Managers', Shareholders', 'Wall Street' would no longer be blamed for the Mass Displacement of the Worker Drones. The 'Pandemic' would be the 'Fall Guy'. As the Shareholding Class rubbed their hands together, salivated at 'Increased Profits', and laughed at the Worker Drones as they ran in circles, watching their wives and children slowly starve to death, and screaming "It's the Socialists", the Shareholding Class would be planning for the second Yacht, third home, and an Island vacation.
Next month will be End of Third Quarter, I don't know about you, but I'm starting to get a Boner just thinking about what my Third Quarter Statement will look like. (This thing is working out better than planned)
I heard Reagan rolling in his grave is setting off seismographs.
Hey, let's talk about the Republican position on health care. Here it is.
" "
Okay, maybe tax policy?
" "
How about racial issues?
" "
ROTFLMFAO!!!! It's perfect for the Trumptards here. They have no ideas either.
You're a delusional character aren't you? I really want to understand this though. That second sentence besides being incomplete makes no sense. Are you saying the elite, the capitalists, the 1% and the shareholding class are all the same people? And they responsible for the shutdown?
Yes. I'm trying to help you wrap your mind around 'Who are the Beneficiaries'. You see the Stock Market up today. Are the Worker Drones 'invested'? No.
OK. So, I'm at the Club the other day and the NEXT question is: 'What do we do with all the Unemployed Drones?' Naturally, we've already signed onto the 'Prisons for Profit' idea, you know, where we all make money by locking the Drones up for lengthy prison terms. But someone brought up the 'Student Loan' bonanza. You know, get the Unfortunates to take out 'Loans' and then have the IRS be the Debt Collector so the Little Bastards can NEVER get out from under the thumb of their indebtedness. You have to admit, getting the IRS to be the Debt Collector was 'GENIUS'. This just shows the 'Donor Class' get what they pay for. Anyway ... 'Guards'. The Drones with Student Loans are recruited as Guards. The 'Guards' make a Paycheck and are still forced to pay. The Drones without the Student Loans are the ones targeted for 'incarceration'.
This is being tossed around, but so far, I like the idea. How about you?
Yes your delusional? That's a start toward a cure. Those of us with actual jobs have 401ks or 403b's so all are beneficiaries of any stock market uptick.
You're communist manifesto paraphrasing is not a convincing argument. It would do you a world of good to get a job instead of repeatedly feeding off the federal teet
Tiffany Trump. Yeah, can't wait to hear what she has to say.![]()
Excuse me?
Trust fund babies don't need Jobs. Don't you see. The Proletariat are just for making money. That's their only reason for existence. The rest of us just collect a Check off the backs of the Drones.
There's a reason nobody likes the idea of a Death Tax, THAT could really fuck things up for the kids and grandkids. We don't want THAT.
"The proletariat is the social class of wage-earners, those members of a society whose only possession of significant economic value is their labour power. A member of such a class is a proletarian. Wikipedia"
Again a rambling buffoonish piece of your inbred pig fucking stupidity
How can you hate Paris Hilton?
I can't hate someone I have never interacted with but you on the other hand...
I thought I was helping you get a more rounded and clearer picture to what is occurring. With the adoption of Global Capitalism, cheap human Labor will replace the Worker Drones in Developed Economies.
The US and other Developed Economies will lose out to cheap Labor in Asia. At some point, Production may return to Developed Economies when it is more fully Automated (meaning less Human Drones). The 'Markets' are looking for 'Efficiency'. In other words, Production will find areas of Minimal Labor Cost Input (like Asia). The 'Worker Drones' in Developed Economies will become 'Excess People', a drag on National Growth.
What do we do with the 'Excess People'?
Example: When Wool became more Profitable to the Landlords in Britain than their Tenant Farmers, the Lords kicked the Tenant Farmers off the Land they had been tilling for centuries. The Farmers would flock to Big Cities like London. They wouldn't be able to find Work. The Wives would become Prostitutes, the Children would become Pickpockets, the once honorable Farmers would become Thieves to feed their Families.
The Thieves would be hung, sometimes 20 at a time.
Any ideas, Yakuda? Maybe Big Government sending the 'Excess People' Government Checks for the rest of their Lives?