Gore is gay

I'm just imagining new Republican slogans for the next presidential race...

With sophisticated slogans such as "Gore is gay", they're sure to win.
Nah, it has to be tounge-in-cheek--- Gore is too boring to be gay.
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Yes. watermark has had a mental breakdown. We humor him.

This has to be the best of Watermark's ravings. He makes like 5 posts in a row before I ask him who the hell he's talking to. ROFL, still makes me laugh.

"The founders would've spat on you ignorant demagogue-bots. "

I still prefer him to the rest of the Libs, he at least tries to read intelligent arguments and can moderate like a center lefty.
Listen, just have anal sex already, and get it off of your mind! You can clear this fixation right up.

It's ok. some people are born that way. don't beat yourself up.

I was beginning to wonder if it was just me, but some of those on the right here certainly demonstrate a .. let's say .. "fascination" for other men's asses and homoerotic images.

I can just image the party they would all show up at.
I was beginning to wonder if it was just me, but some of those on the right here certainly demonstrate a .. let's say .. "fascination" for other men's asses and homoerotic images.

I can just image the party they would all show up at.

Most of the guys on the right are either repressed homosexuals, (the largest number of them), or, sexually frustrated heterosexuals who rant about hetero acts they are dying to try, but have always been afraid to ask their Republican wives/girlfriends to try.

It's not your imagination.
This has to be the best of Watermark's ravings. He makes like 5 posts in a row before I ask him who the hell he's talking to. ROFL, still makes me laugh.

"The founders would've spat on you ignorant demagogue-bots. "

I still prefer him to the rest of the Libs, he at least tries to read intelligent arguments and can moderate like a center lefty.

What AM I talking about?

Good point, Dano.