Gore would kick ass if he threw his hat in

Air America Radio's Rachel Maddow show by stand-in host David Bender is any indication, the answer is yes. By a 3-1 margin, callers stated their support for Gore over Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary Clinton. This result is most astonishing given that Gore's not even a declared candidate...yet. Could this be a foreshadowing of what's to come this Fall once The Goracle flings his hat into the crowded ring?
My question is:

Why can't the DNC come up with a real Democrat...like the ones pre 1964...this would be refreshing...this would also apply to the GOP...just a thought!...Bring back the "Bull MooseParty" thats what I say...
read the poll , every dem I talk to personally lights up whne you mention Gore.

He has the draw of Hil without the baggage

read the poll , every dem I talk to personally lights up whne you mention Gore.

He has the draw of Hil without the baggage

Not so fast on the trigger...they both have quite a bit of baggage along the mid-drift as well as other areas...lol
Newt is fat

Thomas is fat

Why is that never mentioned?

Ill tell you why because Dems dont attack people for these idiotic reasons.

Its Rs who attack people for stupid shit like this.
read the poll , every dem I talk to personally lights up whne you mention Gore.

He has the draw of Hil without the baggage
Of course he has no baggage.--- He's an absolute "NOTHING", Just as well vote for Mickey Mouse.

Newt is fat

Thomas is fat

Why is that never mentioned?

Ill tell you why because Dems dont attack people for these idiotic reasons.

Its Rs who attack people for stupid shit like this.

are you for real or living on another planet...just go back and read what some libs have said...just in this forum..I will not mention any names..but a few of ya lib gals have made the fat comment as well...but what do I know ..I was raised to be honest..not a lib trait I see!
Newt is fat

Thomas is fat

Why is that never mentioned?

Ill tell you why because Dems dont attack people for these idiotic reasons.

Its Rs who attack people for stupid shit like this.

Remember Katherine Harris?

I don't think its a partisan thing I believe its a human nature thing.
He couldn't beat Hillary now and he knows it.
Air America is bankrupt because all they could get were two comedians and a couple college sophmoric boobs to work it.
Al has played the sky is falling card unsuccessfully too may times.
He's done:clink:
I'd make 3x the money if Al were elected, but I think the dem leaders would attack him with the same ammo the cons did.
He's shot his wad by vastly overstating the GW end of world scenerio.:clink:
Dude you are VERY far from any norm.

You wouldnt vote for any dem so you dont matter in this area
Dude you are VERY far from any norm.

You wouldnt vote for any dem so you dont matter in this area

You think republicans would have less issues with voting for gore than with voting for hillary. I'm telling you they're considered equally bad and unacceptable. gore is a total joke.