
Yeah, I've found that Darla is most reactionary during agreement. She gets all angry and acts as if you just said something opposite to what you did, or she gets all mad because you are attempting to "back her up" when she doesn't need it.


No, I just do that to you, because I like the making up part.
Because I said "lol" at the end of it. I forgot that men really only look at the pictures though, my bad. :tongout:

I do like the pop-up books and them picture books are classics. "See Spot Run" still one of the greatest pieces of literature of all time.
I know a lady who got asked out by GORE in high school. She stood him up because he's such a loser.

yeah in HS I got turned down too, but later when the partying cool dudes turned out to be bums, their divorcees wanted us boring steady guys to help raise their kids by the party dudes....
Gore vs Bush in school I would think would be an analogy.
yeah in HS I got turned down too, but later when the partying cool dudes turned out to be bums, their divorcees wanted us boring steady guys to help raise their kids by the party dudes....
Gore vs Bush in school I would think would be an analogy.

So you're saying you want bush to knock you up?
AHZ every ones fantasies are not like yours....

yes. your fantasy is a defeated america, for some reason, because it's enlightened , or we deserve it, or it's imposiible to change or a myriad of other defeatist justifications, and elitist suckup posturing.

Do you like apples?
LOL, yep that is my goal . sarcasm off.
I see the reality and the nautral greed of humans, the rise of other economies in the world , etc...

also unlike you I can conisder more than 2 options .
LOL, yep that is my goal . sarcasm off.
I see the reality and the nautral greed of humans, the rise of other economies in the world , etc...

also unlike you I can conisder more than 2 options .

You don't know what the hell you're babbling about, you senile old gasbag.
What have i yet to learn, make it plain, mystery man. or are you just full of crap? Yes. you're just full of crap. There's no HIDDEN BENEFIT to the tyranny rampant globalization offers.

Oh of course there are benefits of globalization, for the select few that is.
That fuckwit took my Gore thread and turned it into the same subject that 1,000 other threads are now about.
