Got Any Coronavirus Funnies?

My next few will sting for some.

No coronavirus funnies.

A co-worker’s father-in-law died of it last week. He had to die alone. He was 62.

A friend’s daughter was infected. In the hospital for a month. She still can’t be around her baby. Has incredible fatigue and must be monitored closely for possibilities of stroke and seizure. She is 28.
No coronavirus funnies.

A co-worker’s father-in-law died of it last week. He had to die alone. He was 62.

A friend’s daughter was infected. In the hospital for a month. She still can’t be around her baby. Has incredible fatigue and must be monitored closely for possibilities of stroke and seizure. She is 28.

I'm so sorry, Domer.
Some new definitions in the age of the coronavirus pandemic:

Someone who blows off all the CDC guidelines, pretends the deadly pandemic is a hoax: a COVIDIOT

The politics of downplaying the pandemic and pretending it is over even as the cases and deaths are still rising: COVIDIOCRACY

Someone who begrudgingly wears a mask, but only because it is the law, and may wear it only on the chin or not covering the nose, has a: MASKITUDE

Someone who holds a no-mask social gathering party in defiance of the guidelines is committing a: CORONONO

The point being, I’m lucky, so far, to not have any of my family infected. We are being SO careful, but you never know.

The anti-maskers, and I had 3 customers (in a row) yesterday. Selfish fucking idiots.
I’m so sorry, it is wicked stuff. People are so foolish.
Wife: Did I get fat during quarantine?
Husband: You weren't skinny to begin with.
Time of death : 11:00 pm
Cause: Covid-19

The point being, I’m lucky, so far, to not have any of my family infected. We are being SO careful, but you never know.

The anti-maskers, and I had 3 customers (in a row) yesterday. Selfish fucking idiots.

I have no problem with wearing a mask. Dunno if it does any good or not, but it makes people around me feel more comfortable. The mask is, at worst, a minor inconvenience.