Got Pets?

This photo illustrates one of my favorite dog breeds, and also serves as a metaphor for how I feel this morning before my coffee is ready.

You and me both!
OMG look at those adorable little faces! I could just cuddle them.
The story began weeks before those pix. I keep a Havahart trap set against that building in order to trap groundhogs. I fill that hole with leaves/dirt, and by the time the hogs dig out, they're in the trap. I've been doing it for years. One morning, I heard a horrible noise outside, and found a puppy in the trap. Confused, I couldn't understand why a tiny puppy was in the trap. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the fox parents frantically running back and forth in the yard. I realized that the puppy was a fox kit, and released it under the building. I put the trap back against the building so that my cat wouldn't explore under there. A few weeks later, I saw these faces watching me as I was watering the garden.

I really thought about keeping that trapped kit as a pet. I decided that it was cruel...aside from being illegal.

But boy...was it tempting.
Love huskies and malamutes.

The loyalty and companionship of a dog is one of the sublime and magical novelties of life on this earth.

I never know what my next dog is going to be. My last dog was actually a shih tzu, who I adopted when her original owner, our neighbor, passed away. Never actually thought about shih tzus before, but it was just the right place and the right time. I love shih tzus now.
I hear ya. I had a few great danes when I was young. I was dogless for a few years, and my neighbors were moving to a place where they couldn't keep their dog. I chose to take it, as it was pretty small.

I called it a rat dog...decades before Bobby came up with the idea for a band. It was a white Jack Russel looking thing, with black patches. I learned to love little dogs after that. He was a real piece of work!
I'd been hearing wrens for quite some time. I built a few houses, and they showed up. Wrens are funny. Males make the nests, typically in anything with a hole. A discarded jug, rolls of bailing twine, etc.. They work their asses off, and then sing for days, hoping to find a woman who will immediately redesign the nest. Lo and behold, after days of singing, he must have gotten lucky. I saw twigs on the ground outside the sure sign that the lady of the house was doing renovations.

Shot these after the eggs hatched.





This is 'Janet'. In this pic, she was probably about 1 day from death. As you can see, she's Siamese, so by default she's got a big mouth.

I have customers from NYC that have a house in the mts. for weekends. They were leaving to go back to the city about a year and a half ago, and happened to hear her screaming. If they hadn't heard her, she'd be dead. She was starved, loaded with ticks, and was out fending for herself just as winter was setting in.

They put food out for her, and asked that I check on her when I went to the house to do some pre planned work.

I fed her every day for a few days, and then secured a home for her. I kept her in the shop for a day or so, until I could get her to the vet.

Janet...named for a cat in some a chubby little house cat now. My buddy agreed to take her.

She's a sweetie, but she still doesn't shut the hell up!

len cat.jpg
4 doggies

I would love a cat again

but my hubby would kill me

he thinks our family is big enough already

never too many for me

yeap Ill likely be that old cat/dog lady down the street if I out live the hubby.

the one in my pic border collie/bernese mountain dog mix (guess)

a merle ausstrailian shepard/aussie cattle dog mix (guess)

a tri color border collie/assie mix (guess)

and the brown dog

he looks like a miniture rodesian ridgeback

who knows what he is

all mid age

PLEASE get a cat.
Great doggy name,

I almost felt like punching George Dumbya Bush in the face for naming his dog "Spot". Really so insipid, almost an insult to the dog, actually.

We generally give our pets Russian names. My current cat is named Yasha.

I named my pet monkey Barack.
This is 'Janet'. In this pic, she was probably about 1 day from death. As you can see, she's Siamese, so by default she's got a big mouth.

I have customers from NYC that have a house in the mts. for weekends. They were leaving to go back to the city about a year and a half ago, and happened to hear her screaming. If they hadn't heard her, she'd be dead. She was starved, loaded with ticks, and was out fending for herself just as winter was setting in.

They put food out for her, and asked that I check on her when I went to the house to do some pre planned work.

I fed her every day for a few days, and then secured a home for her. I kept her in the shop for a day or so, until I could get her to the vet.

Janet...named for a cat in some a chubby little house cat now. My buddy agreed to take her.

She's a sweetie, but she still doesn't shut the hell up!

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Went to my buddy's house to watch the Miocic fight the other day. Finally got a recent pic of Janet.

fat janet.jpg
We have a herd of goats, some chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, 3 cats, 2 dogs, and probably a bit over 50 fish...

We also have a few barn cats but the count changes.
We have a herd of goats, some chickens, rabbits, guinea pigs, 3 cats, 2 dogs, and probably a bit over 50 fish...

We also have a few barn cats but the count changes.

Goats!!!! We used to have neighbors with horses and goats.... sometimes you'd drive down the road and see a goat perched on the back of one of the horses. Do you have them for milk? Just for fun? Are they difficult to keep?

These are hilarious.

They are not that difficult to keep, though hoof trimming time gets tiresome. Every once in a while we have goats in our trees.

We have them because some people think they are tasty critters, we do get some milk from the does but really they're a food animal.
They are not that difficult to keep, though hoof trimming time gets tiresome. Every once in a while we have goats in our trees.
We have them because some people think they are tasty critters, we do get some milk from the does but really they're a food animal.

So you raise them to sell for meat? Have you ever eaten goat? I had a shish-ka-bob at a Middle Eastern restaurant once with goat. It had so much seasoning though that it was hard to tell the meat from any other kind. It was tender though, not chewy.

Always wanted a little goat friend but alas I don't think they'd do well here... wolves, coyotes, foxes, bears, a rumor of cougar in the area, even golden eagles. Do you trim the hooves yourself or have a farrier in?
If I lived on a farm I would end up a vegetarian

Yeah, I'm afraid I would too. My husband's mom and grandma kept chickens for eggs and food. Sometimes he had to help dispatch them. Same with cows. It would be hard to raise something, feed it, take care of it, and then have to kill and eat it.
So you raise them to sell for meat? Have you ever eaten goat? I had a shish-ka-bob at a Middle Eastern restaurant once with goat. It had so much seasoning though that it was hard to tell the meat from any other kind. It was tender though, not chewy.

Always wanted a little goat friend but alas I don't think they'd do well here... wolves, coyotes, foxes, bears, a rumor of cougar in the area, even golden eagles. Do you trim the hooves yourself or have a farrier in?

I don't know of a farrier that would trim goat hooves. You do it yourself.
Oh, yeah...I forgot about the fish.

This was taken in the summer. Click on it for a larger picture.


And more pictures of Cabot and Napoleon dealing with the cold. Click on them also.


I have a beagle who is 20 years old this year,. She always gets her way. I also have a cat. I heard crying outside my bathroom window for about 2 days. When I went out, I found a baby kitty whose mother abandoned it. I took her to the local cat lady to take care of. She gave me powdered nursing milk and a syringe. So we fed her . She survived. At one point, I spotted her mother in my neighbors drive way. I took her there and put her about 5 feet from her mother and then walked about 30 feet away. She looked at her mother, then looked at me. She mewed and walked up to me. So i have a cat. a somewhat feral cat.