Gov Adds Regulations to Airlines, Delays Result, So Now More Gov is the Solution?


After Sep 11, the amount of regulations heaped on the airline industry was huge and delays rose accordingly.
So what is the solution? Common sense would say to try and reduce regulations to make things go faster, right?

But instead the solution apparently is more government force:

It has been a summer of record delays, and the administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration threw down the gauntlet to the nation's airlines Tuesday, warning them to take a hard look at their schedules, which she said "aren't worth the electrons they are printed on."

FAA Administrator Marion Blakey made those comments in her farewell speech before Washington, D.C.'s, Aero Club. Blakey is leaving her job this week, at the end of her five-year term at the helm of the agency charged with overseeing air travel in the United States.

"If airlines don't address this voluntarily," she said, "don't be surprised when the government steps in."

Airlines insist their schedules simply respond to the demands of passengers.

Privatizing outdated inefficient publicly run airport traffic controller operations would also greatly help and introduce more competition bringing real pressure to be more efficient at reducing delays:
Bring back boxcutters on planes!

Why can't we have guns!

All of these post 9/11 "liberal regulations" are causing delays!

I am flying this week in fact, and I plan on making quite a rucus about it myself.
Bring back boxcutters on planes!

Why can't we have guns!

All of these post 9/11 "liberal regulations" are causing delays!

I am flying this week in fact, and I plan on making quite a rucus about it myself.
Coming through Denver? I know many of the TSA guys, my brother from another mother works there... I'll make sure they check your baggage carefully because I heard that everybody except Ron Paul is working with the terrorists.


Why do you hate America?
And who have been the main pushers of homeland security Dano ?

You really must not be to bright to bring this up against your own party.
Bring back boxcutters on planes!

Why can't we have guns!

All of these post 9/11 "liberal regulations" are causing delays!

I am flying this week in fact, and I plan on making quite a rucus about it myself.

As usual you mention the most extreme examples like an idiot, I was thinking more like this:

The amount of lighters prohibited is astronomical and certainly leads to delays, now just very recently they are allowing them again and hopefully that will help reduce delays:

This is a good move, but more can and should be done. The Bush admin reverses a bad move that they and Dems supported before.
And who have been the main pushers of homeland security Dano ?

You really must not be to bright to bring this up against your own party.

Sorry my party?
I blame government of which Repubs are part of, I did not blame Liberals here for a reason, though they are certainly more into safety over freedom.
Convenient Omission

I thought I would add this from the article Dano links to above:

She warned that the government could impose the type of solution they did at Chicago's O'Hare airport in 2004. The two main carriers there, United and American, had scheduled more flights an hour than the airport could handle -- and that was causing delays in Chicago and throughout the country.

In November 2004 the FAA forced the two carriers to limit arrivals during peak hours. In the year following that move, delays dropped by 24 percent.

OMG!!11! WTF!!! Regulation worked.

The moral of the story here is that the delays are largely due to airlines scheduling more flights than the airports can handle or scheduling all flights under optimal conditions which rarely exist.

The delays have little to do with "government force."
I thought I would add this from the article Dano links to above:

OMG!!11! WTF!!! Regulation worked.

The moral of the story here is that the delays are largely due to airlines scheduling more flights than the airports can handle or scheduling all flights under optimal conditions which rarely exist.

The delays have little to do with "government force."
LOL, I thought somebody would bring this up, forcing airlines to not have as many flights in O'Hare just means you have to have more flights in other airports, hence you spread out the delays more, they drop at O'Hare and increase elsewhere. It's not like the airlines WANT to piss off customers, they do care about them (unlike government).

Lastly airlines are forbidden from talking to each other due to <drum roll> government anti-trust regulations, which obviously makes it far more difficult to work out solutions to how many flights each would make to each airport and who would cut and how much.
Coming through Denver? I know many of the TSA guys, my brother from another mother works there... I'll make sure they check your baggage carefully because I heard that everybody except Ron Paul is working with the terrorists.


Why do you hate America?


No, I am only taking a short flight. NY to DC. Early friday morning. I won't be here Friday, I know you're going to miss me, you don't have to upset BB by saying it.
As usual you mention the most extreme examples like an idiot, I was thinking more like this:

The amount of lighters prohibited is astronomical and certainly leads to delays, now just very recently they are allowing them again and hopefully that will help reduce delays:

This is a good move, but more can and should be done. The Bush admin reverses a bad move that they and Dems supported before.

Great! Now the terrorists will have no problem setting off their shoe bombs.

Thanks conservatives!
I thought I would add this from the article Dano links to above:

OMG!!11! WTF!!! Regulation worked.

The moral of the story here is that the delays are largely due to airlines scheduling more flights than the airports can handle or scheduling all flights under optimal conditions which rarely exist.

The delays have little to do with "government force."


Doesn't Dano ever get tired of being embarrassed by his own links?

No, I am only taking a short flight. NY to DC. Early friday morning. I won't be here Friday, I know you're going to miss me, you don't have to upset BB by saying it.
Well, you know that I can't step out of the box and actually proclaim a friendship with a liberal or something because there was this study done where some people hit a button when a W showed up on the screen that said I am stupid.

So, you'll just have to deal with the pig-tail pulling.
Well, you know that I can't step out of the box and actually proclaim a friendship with a liberal or something because there was this study done where some people hit a button when a W showed up on the screen that said I am stupid.

So, you'll just have to deal with the pig-tail pulling.


I would never say you were stupid Damo.
So the airlines deserve none of the blame Dano ?

It is all that evil bloated governments fault ?
I would say so, there are virtually no regulations on buses, do you see any delays there?

And countries which have privatized more in airline travel have seen less delays, though to be fair the unions and left scream this comes at the expense of safety but the reality is that the safety statistics are just about the same as there to here.
Um you're a little slow, I already refuted that.
And that only shows that I post impartial links that give points for both sides.

You didn't really refute that. All you did was make statements that may or may not be true but for which you provided no evidence, as usual.

I still haven't seen anything to suggest that government regulation as opposed to the capacity of airports to handle the volume of scheduled flights is the cause of delays. The article provides evidence of the latter, but none for the former.

Additionally, I think we ought to make a distinction between flight delays and the amount of time it takes a passenger to get from the door of the terminal to the gate for their flight. It takes longer to get to your gate due to safety regulations, but this is an entirely separate issue from the issue of flight delays.
I would say so, there are virtually no regulations on buses, do you see any delays there?

And countries which have privatized more in airline travel have seen less delays, though to be fair the unions and left scream this comes at the expense of safety but the reality is that the safety statistics are just about the same as there to here.

so busses are just like airplanes ? hmmm.

I guess all the airplanes have stops about every couple of blocks trhen ?