If people who make 250K+ are supposed to sacrifice more for their country, why not everyone? Do you understand the fact that the people making 250K+ are ALREADY giving more of their income to taxes than those below 250K? And only THEY are supposed to "pay more to help the nation out"? Talk about loads of class warfare bullshit. Why pick on a particular economic class to support this country? If one group should "give more" should not all groups "give more"?
The fact is the wealthy pay more than lower income classes already. Yet the brain dead eat up the democratic class warfare shit like it were ice cream. Including the ridiculous claims that the rich derive more from government than the poor. (Right. Since when do the rich have their housing, food, clothing, and child care paid for by government?)
It's time liberal calss warfare assholes stopped this "rich should pay" crap. They already do. Punishing success does little to breed success. Income tax should be the same percentage for everyone, with no loopholes. The rich would still pay more. A person making 250K will pay 5 times what a person making 50K under a flat rate - and that is fair. WHY should a person making 250K pay 10 times as much? How is that equal treatment under the law? It's bullshit and regardless of how you feel about the wealthy, goes against every principle this nation was founded on.
Every person should be able to deduct a standardized amount equal to base standard of living, then pay the same percentage on any and all income in excess of that base. (maybe make a single additional deduction for retirement investments up to $X per year) If we were to adopt such a system, even setting the rate at the current lowest rate, net revenues would go up because a ton of money currently hidden behind the myriad of loopholes would be subject to the same 12% rate. Plus, the government would save massive amounts of the money they currently spend trying to track and enforce a ridiculously complex tax code.
But the libs cannot STAND the thought of treating the wealthy equally. They are so full of their economic penis envy they cannot see straight.