Yes, but these people are getting a service in return for their money. And they would actually be upset if you took it away from them. People enjoy playing it. I don't think you can really call it a "tax". Its a service provided by the gov't that helps lower our tax burdens. I'm actually stunned that libertarians would rather have more income taxes rather than something elective like this. My grandmother likes to play the lottery and when she hits and gets a little money here and there, she's elated. Its a game for her. I don't think the states taking advantage of her. If she couldn't afford it, she wouldn't/shouldn't do it.
I'm curious as to what Dano thinks.
most of them are not getting a service tiana, when it comes to a National Lottery....
There getting a chance, a CHANCE AT RICHES, riches that they would never have the opportunity to make in an entire lifetime....
And there are also those that have let this chance turn in to a Vice....a vice that our government is making money off of when our government is suppose to be there for the betterment of individuals that live here...not to support and make money off of their citizen's weaknesses.
I know this is not the case with alot of people that in casinos...I too enjoy myself...
But for many people casual gambling can lead to becoming a vice...shoot it probably even could with me, if I didn't watch myself...
To know that our government is making money off of these type of conditions, to me, is wrong and certainly not better for our general welfare...
and in addition to this, the government has lied to us over and over again to get gambling initiatives passed by the public...
With Atlantic City it was to clean up the city and to pay far a better education for the children of the state than they were getting.
In Florida, they passed a state lottery because this extra lottery money was suppose to making their piss poor educational system better....
then after they passed, and it is Florida in specific that I know the details...they did let all of LOTTO money go to the schools, but in fine print that was never shown to us, they cut out all of the budget money that went towards schools and USED ONLY THE LOTTO MONEY, not adding anything to the schools in the end. Then they took the money that was going towards their schooling in the budget and spent it ON OTHER THINGS...
So schools never ended up getting better, the poor and those that hope for more were preyed upon, and their congress got all this money to spend on pork barrel projects that used to go in to the schools...
I agree with ihg, it is a scam, and very few people end up being huge tax payers while others get away with NOT paying their fair share...
What did people do before our states offered Lotto? What games did they enjoy and like prior to it?