Grade President Trump's Performance So Far

I think his first week was awesome- He rolled out most of his immigration plan most excellently. He faltered on the immigration ban, as evidenced in its clumsiness. I hope he doesn't get bogged down in defending it. There numerous things he's been able to get undone from the previous administration that's not getting discussed, as the lunatic left are engaged as tools of the Soros funded outrage.

so I'll give him an A-
He makes GW look like a genius.

Agreed. Betsy DeVos stands in as an example. Rich but kinda stupid like our so called president. So far you have to laugh at him signing all these mostly useless executive orders, the only one to do anything was shot down by the courts in America as it was about as thought out as his wall nonsense. Who's gonna pay - the taxpayers are. So far Donnie's presidency reminds me of Shakespeare's line, a tale told by an insecure draft dodger signifying nothing, we can add accomplishing nothing too. But the images keep the believers happy. It is the apprentice show and the simpletons gloat in happiness over meaningless pen signatures. Donnie holds them up like a first grader with a gold star on his first test. Even comics have trouble with so obvious a comedy.
I think W is happy he is no longer the most idiotic president.

Trump's arrogance is getting in his way.
In your opinion, how is the President doing so far?

Outraged liberals = A +
Picked excellent cabinet = A +
Did what he promised to do = A +
Retained support of the party = A (shorted by two Republican senators on the DeVos confirmation - said senators = F)
The only reason I hoped for Trump over Hillary was SCOTUS nominees. He did well with Gorsuch. I'm relatively happy with that so far. If he gets more nominees into the court like Gorsuch I'll get more than I expected out of him.

I don't particularly like the way he rolled out the limited suspension of travel from countries that Prez. 44 listed as dangerous, nor have I ever supported the "build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" nonsense. Mexico isn't going to pay for that wall, especially if he pays for it with a tax on goods, only the people who buy the goods would be paying for that, and that would be US consumers...

On SCOTUS choices, I'd give an A. On the rest... I'm waiting to see what comes form the policy. I'm a results kind of person.
The only reason I hoped for Trump over Hillary was SCOTUS nominees. He did well with Gorsuch. I'm relatively happy with that so far. If he gets more nominees into the court like Gorsuch I'll get more than I expected out of him.

I don't particularly like the way he rolled out the limited suspension of travel from countries that Prez. 44 listed as dangerous, nor have I ever supported the "build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" nonsense. Mexico isn't going to pay for that wall, especially if he pays for it with a tax on goods, only the people who buy the goods would be paying for that, and that would be US consumers...

On SCOTUS choices, I'd give an A. On the rest... I'm waiting to see what comes form the policy. I'm a results kind of person.
I tend to agree. Though because he's only been POTUS for a couple of weeks lets get LOL grade still pretty much applies. Give the guy some time.

As for so far, he's made a number or EO's that are largely symbolic in nature or which he lacks the real authority to implement real change. As for his Cabinet picks I give him a B. Most are qualified mainstream conservatives and I'm fine with that but two pick are ideologues with questionable qualifications. His EPA director and his Education director is an ideologue who is poorly qualified, doesn't know the frame work of Educational policy and law and has views on public financing of charter schools and private schools that is frightening and if implemented would be devastating to rural schools.

On Gorsuch I give him an A- as he is an eminently qualified mainstream conservative though I would have preferred a mainstream moderate like Garland as I don't think he would prove to be a lap dog to the Oligarchy as Roberts is and, given his record, I'm afraid Gorsuch might be.

The only major criticism I have so far is his travel ban in which I have mixed feelings. Given the out right bigotry of his campaign rhetoric I am uncomfortable with his travel ban cause if he was serious Saudi Arabia would be on that list. However, I do support his criticism of the H1B visa program. Given the botched rollout of the travel ban I give him a D on that issue.

On the whole though I give him an A- to a B+ but, again, lets get's only been a couple of weeks. LOL