Grade President Trump's Performance So Far

I tend to agree. Though because he's only been POTUS for a couple of weeks lets get LOL grade still pretty much applies. Give the guy some time.

As for so far, he's made a number or EO's that are largely symbolic in nature or which he lacks the real authority to implement real change. As for his Cabinet picks I give him a B. Most are qualified mainstream conservatives and I'm fine with that but two pick are ideologues with questionable qualifications. His EPA director and his Education director is an ideologue who is poorly qualified, doesn't know the frame work of Educational policy and law and has views on public financing of charter schools and private schools that is frightening and if implemented would be devastating to rural schools.

On Gorsuch I give him an A- as he is an eminently qualified mainstream conservative though I would have preferred a mainstream moderate like Garland as I don't think he would prove to be a lap dog to the Oligarchy as Roberts is and, given his record, I'm afraid Gorsuch might be.

The only major criticism I have so far is his travel ban in which I have mixed feelings. Given the out right bigotry of his campaign rhetoric I am uncomfortable with his travel ban cause if he was serious Saudi Arabia would be on that list. However, I do support his criticism of the H1B visa program. Given the botched rollout of the travel ban I give him a D on that issue.

On the whole though I give him an A- to a B+ but, again, lets get's only been a couple of weeks. LOL
I think you know well enough that it would nigh suicide to ban SA, especially when ARAMCO is about to be floated.

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I think you know well enough that it would nigh suicide to ban SA, especially when ARAMCO is about to be floated.

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Oh my how. How could I forget good ole Jeff for attorney general which is an extremely disturbing choice. We need A southern racist for atty general like we need a collective hole in our heads. Given how Jeff has said he intends to go after States that legalize weed Grind might end up regretting his choice.
I think you know well enough that it would nigh suicide to ban SA, especially when ARAMCO is about to be floated.

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oh I understand that. Hell no one is fooled on that score. I'm just pointing out the glaring hypocrisy of the supporters of the ban. I mean this isn't Europe. We've been dealing with immigrants and refugees successfully since before our founding. We've always had to deal with nativist in the process who are mostly people from either the lowest margins of society or from isolated small communities who bullshit themselves that they're the cultural center of the American universe.

The whole ban is a SOP to Trumps base and will ultimately go no where and America will continue to go on as she always has in regards to immigrants.
Sorry, but Obama isn't in office anymore and your bitch Hillary lost. You're confused but that's understandable. When you don't think you can lose and you do, it can be disheartening.
LOL Must have hit a sore spot? LOL

Now please answer the question. How do you get left behind on the train to no where? :)
C- to a C+ for me so far

I think it's good that he is following up on campaign promises but I don't agree with many of those promises since I don't view a lot of them as conservative or constitutional. I think he did a good job on some of his picks for the cabinet but I also think some of his advisors are just not very good people. For me his grade will go up when he starts to do things that result in smaller federal government and a return to constitutional principles.
I have to give him credit for picking Gorsuch who is very highly qualified. I expected Trump to pick someone like Thomas who is highly unqualified. Gorsuch is a principled man whose past decisions have not been radical or out of the mainstream, I think he will prove to be less Conservative than Scalia, which makes him a win.

Otherwise I don't think the president has done much. A few unmeaningful EO'e.

The only EO that had any bite has been held unenforceable so that was nill.

His apparent belief that he is more powerful than a president is bothers me, but all in all he did follow the Court and aqueous to their power, despite the bellyaching.

For optics Id give him an F.
For accomplishing things a D-.
For not fucking things up as much as I thought he would, an A.
For Gorsuch an A, not because I agree with the guys politics, but because the guy is an intellectual and understands the rule of law. Because he did not nominate Ted Cruz.

He has given Congress cover for not pushing hard on an Obamacare repeal. He has not overreached on his legislative agenda. He has not overreacted to North Korea poking him.... I give him credit for these things.
I have to give him credit for picking Gorsuch who is very highly qualified. I expected Trump to pick someone like Thomas who is highly unqualified. Gorsuch is a principled man whose past decisions have not been radical or out of the mainstream, I think he will prove to be less Conservative than Scalia, which makes him a win.

Otherwise I don't think the president has done much. A few unmeaningful EO'e.

The only EO that had any bite has been held unenforceable so that was nill.

His apparent belief that he is more powerful than a president is bothers me, but all in all he did follow the Court and aqueous to their power, despite the bellyaching.

For optics Id give him an F.
For accomplishing things a D-.
For not fucking things up as much as I thought he would, an A.
For Gorsuch an A, not because I agree with the guys politics, but because the guy is an intellectual and understands the rule of law. Because he did not nominate Ted Cruz.

He has given Congress cover for not pushing hard on an Obamacare repeal. He has not overreached on his legislative agenda. He has not overreacted to North Korea poking him.... I give him credit for these things.
You'd think a high powered lawyer would know the difference between aqueous and acquiesce, so for that I'll give you a D minus!

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