Grammar Tip Of The Week

Lets see, what sort of grammar problems drive me nuts.

Their v/s there. Learn it, know it, & use it.

Past v/s passed. Something happened in the past. But you passed the point that you can type the right wor.

Punctuation is a big plus. The poets who have none may seem cool, but unless you are posting poetry (please no, WM) stick with using punctuation and decent grammar.
What does it do?

Where do i put it?

Will it cost me money?

(Somewhat coincidentally, three questions i ask women on an almost daily basis)


Sorry, I am just using the whatever goes section, to save my email titles. I can't explain it.
Lets see, what sort of grammar problems drive me nuts.

Their v/s there. Learn it, know it, & use it.

Past v/s passed. Something happened in the past. But you passed the point that you can type the right wor.

Punctuation is a big plus. The poets who have none may seem cool, but unless you are posting poetry (please no, WM) stick with using punctuation and decent grammar.

when bringing up their vs. there, you should also include they're .... cause that just chaps my hide.
The only thing that drove me nuts is when a person can't even spell their own name like Desh calling herself "desrubinator" instead of "deshrubinator" and then uses it for 30000 posts.
The only thing that drove me nuts is when a person can't even spell their own name like Desh calling herself "desrubinator" instead of "deshrubinator" and then uses it for 30000 posts.

I laughed every time I remembered I screwed up my own name.

I used it to try and stay humble, it worked once in awhile.

How do you stay so humble Dano?
I know how hard it is to be humble when you are perfect in every way. I've heard a song about it once.
I'll add a couple of things, both involving apostrophes. OK, three things.

One, the possessive form of pronouns, including "it", does not use an apostrophe. "Its" is the possessive form of "it". "It's" is a contraction for "it is".

Apostrophes are not used to make plurals, even when the word ends in a vowel.

References to decades should place the apostrophe before the number when it is abbreviated, e.g. "The '90s", not after the number (e.g. musclecars of the '60s vs. the incorrect 60's).

The first two are the most aggravating, though.
I'll add a couple of things, both involving apostrophes. OK, three things.

One, the possessive form of pronouns, including "it", does not use an apostrophe. "Its" is the possessive form of "it". "It's" is a contraction for "it is".

Apostrophes are not used to make plurals, even when the word ends in a vowel.

References to decades should place the apostrophe before the number when it is abbreviated, e.g. "The '90s", not after the number (e.g. musclecars of the '60s vs. the incorrect 60's).

The first two are the most aggravating, though.

What if we make it a possessive decade? '60's?