Grammar Tip Of The Week

My pet peeve is "then" and "than" confusions.
'It's easier to type one then the other!'

It was hilarious a few months ago, when some pinhead 'corrected' my grammar regarding my improper use of 'than' instead of 'then', but then... I posted the rules of grammar to defend my usage and render his incorrect. It's a grammatical error I never make, largely because of a sadistic English teacher who embarrassed the fuck out of me in 7th grade over it.

The one that catches me most, is the "It's" vs. "Its" thing, I slip up and put the apostrophe in when I shouldn't. Grammatical and punctuation errors don't bother me as much as basic spelling errors. Especially on a message board where people are supposed to be intelligently discussing issues. I don't expect everyone to post as if they have a degree in English, but is it too much to expect basic elementary level correct spelling?

One more question... Why did Duhla post her period upside down? ;)
I'll add a couple of things, both involving apostrophes. OK, three things.

One, the possessive form of pronouns, including "it", does not use an apostrophe. "Its" is the possessive form of "it". "It's" is a contraction for "it is".

Apostrophes are not used to make plurals, even when the word ends in a vowel.

References to decades should place the apostrophe before the number when it is abbreviated, e.g. "The '90s", not after the number (e.g. musclecars of the '60s vs. the incorrect 60's).

The first two are the most aggravating, though.

Oh, that's a huge one. It's amazing how many times I see "it's" used as the possesive.
Come on guys, you know I can never live up to any of those standards.

Desh, this is for business writing. People like top sending out emails reading "dont tell me, i was their two, u dum spinzer".

that's a problem.

You, not so much. :)
Lets see, what sort of grammar problems drive me nuts.

Their v/s there. Learn it, know it, & use it.

Past v/s passed. Something happened in the past. But you passed the point that you can type the right wor.

Punctuation is a big plus. The poets who have none may seem cool, but unless you are posting poetry (please no, WM) stick with using punctuation and decent grammar.

I'll add a couple of things, both involving apostrophes. OK, three things.

One, the possessive form of pronouns, including "it", does not use an apostrophe. "Its" is the possessive form of "it". "It's" is a contraction for "it is".

Apostrophes are not used to make plurals, even when the word ends in a vowel.

References to decades should place the apostrophe before the number when it is abbreviated, e.g. "The '90s", not after the number (e.g. musclecars of the '60s vs. the incorrect 60's).

The first two are the most aggravating, though.

What if you had to indicate that the '60s possessed something? Would you use '60's?
You'd be in trouble at my house. "I can't" or "I can never" are baaaaaad words here.

This reminds of af a family story, As a two year old my older sister used to say "I can't want to" when asked to do something she didn't want to do.

There is just a vain of it running deep in these old Irish bones.

Good stuff for your kids to hear Damo, good work.
This reminds of af a family story, As a two year old my older sister used to say "I can't want to" when asked to do something she didn't want to do.

There is just a vain of it running deep in these old Irish bones.

Good stuff for your kids to hear Damo, good work.
I like, "I can't want to!" I may just steal that and use it myself.
It is just a perfect line aint it?

I wasnt alive but I can just imagine it coming from the mouth of a beautiful dark haired angelfaced two year old. (my sister is absolutely drop dead gorgeous)