That she spits on troops? Sorry dude, you lied. You can't control your rage.
The sex is the funny part. Your party cultivated the image of family values. If you don't want to get mocked for it, tell your party to change its false image.
The perception of corruption is always a legtimate news story, for our supposedly watchdog press. That's their job. Especially for national office holders and potential presidents.
Do you know how many stories NY Times has run about john edwards haircuts, or some small land transaction Bill Clinton lost money on and was never shown to have doen anything illegal?
I also never called "the troops" murderers.
I said if his cousin was dropping bombs, then he is a murderer. And I did later say I should have used the word “killer” instead. It was said in private after something he said to me in private that was complete BS.
There are plenty of former bomber pilots who later come to the conclusion that they did murder a lot of people, and have a hard time living with it. Check out Howard Zinn’s bio for one. But there are many others. My point is that when we put these human beings in these positions of killing other human beings, there is fall out for them. Serious, major fall out. That is why so many of them are committing suicide, or are unable to readjust and are becoming alcoholics, are becoming violent with their families, cannot hold jobs, etc.
This is the cost of war. One that war supporters are too willing to insist other pay, while at the same time, denying that they pay it. It’s one that our militaristic society is oblivious to.
What I said about McCain is that anyone who votes for him is supporting the continued murders of people in Iraq, that would include our soliders who die there.
I believe all of the above. I feel no shame over these beliefs.
ps - I've never spit on anyone or anything. I don't spit. It's gross man.