It's entirely possible Mr. Stray Cock Express didn't have sex with her. C'mon, the dude is a hundred and forty years old, and probably can't get it up without medical assistance.
I'm open minded to the idea that sex wasn't involved. Although, we do have to keep in mind his history of adultry and chasing trophy wives. Get this through your head: It's not about sex (although that part is hilarious). It's about corruption, or the mere appearence of impropriety.
Right... which is why you had two paragraphs on the topic in this post AND why you titled the thread as you did. Because it is not about the sex that both of them say never happened.
Yes, there is evidence. It's been posted. You chose not to read it..
No dipshit, there is no evidence that he did anything wrong. You and others continue to IMPLY that he did, but like the Times have not produced a shred of evidence to show that is the case. When asked about the letters to the FCC, his staff provided them. The NY Times hit piece even mentioned that little tidbit that you idiots continue to ignore. The letters are out there for everyone to read. The FCC had taken two years on the matter and McCain asked them to make a decision one way or the other. The FCC rebuked him for doing even that much and he accepted that.
On McCains votes on the issues that concerned the companies she represented, some went in favor, some against..... again... THIS was noted in the NY Times piece that apparently you failed to read.
"Did McCain do anything technically illegal? I don't have a clue. Maybe he didn't. He's not an idiot. I assume he knows how to walk the fine line between legality and illegality. "
No he did not do anything illegal. The same as the Keating case you idiots have brought up. In that case the Senate Ethics committee stated that he did not exercise good judgement, but that he had done nothing improper. Yet that hasn't stopped several morons from bringing that up again as if it is an issue..... and also note... not a single one of you mentioned that Senate Ethics committee finding when you brought it up..... Gee, I wonder why???
Oh yeah, because you are a complete shill for the Dems.
"The point is, that his own staff noticed this woman's close and possibly intimate relationship with him. And she wasn't some 21 year old intern. She was a powerful lobbyist, and McCain was casting votes that her clients had an interest and a stake in. Whether anything illegal was done or not, this is potentially banana republic stuff. The mere appearance of quid pro quo is something that shouldn't be happening in clean government. "
Ok, this part is the funniest. Yes, his staff did not like the appearance of the two together. They thought it sent the wrong message and were concerned about the romance angle. They did their job and brought it to his attention and that ended it. Yet you and others continue to act as though their actions somehow mean something happened.
As for the clean government part.... I would be willing to bet you cannot find anyone that has avoided lobbyists and earmarks more than McCain within the Dem ranks. Not one. Not even Obama... who is pretty damn clean himself.
"And, unless you've been living under a rock for the past 8 years and either completely naive, or a complete partisan hack, you know that the close relationship between lobbyists and major national politicians is both newsworthy and an area of concern for those of us who are concerned with clean government. "
Yeah, and if you weren't such a complete hack you would realize what a friggin hit piece this is. There is NOTHING in his voting records to suggest he did anything wrong. The worst it appears he did was ask the FCC to make a decision. Not asking for them to vote one way or the other, but to simply vote on a 2 year old case.
"We don't know if a quid pro quo was done or not. Quid pro quos are almost impossible to prove. That's why politicans who deem to be our leaders, should be especially cognizant of hanging out with lobbyist friends and developing relationships with them that even alarm their OWN staff
Can't stop laughing. Just how is it that you think they can slide the quid pro quo under the table? Is he running into the fed, taking money and handing it to them under the table? Or is that usually found via someones voting records and the earmarks they propose?