Since joining the Libertarian Party, Barr has reversed his previous stance favoring the War on Drugs and is now a lobbyist for the Marijuana Policy Project.
Since leaving Congress in 2003, Barr has become a vocal opponent of the Patriot Act and has stated that he regrets voting for it, claiming that the Bush Administration has used it to further erode due process even in nonterrorism matters. He claims that the Clinton administration did much of the same thing.[11] In 2005--the year the Patriot Act was due for renewal he helped found an organization called Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances, a bipartisan group dedicated to eliminating aspects of the Patriot Act that could potentially affect law-abiding citizens rather than terrorists, and to "restore traditional checks and balances on government power so the country can effectively fight terror without sacrificing the rights of innocent Americans, rights that are guaranteed by the Constitution."[14] Barr still serves as the group's chairman.
Just like I said. He will say and do anything for fame and fortune.
Just like I said. He will say and do anything for fame and fortune.
Just like I said. He will say and do anything for fame and fortune.
So when Edwards apologizes for his war vote and Clinton doesn't apologize for her Patriot Act vote that is okay.
But when Barr leaves the Republican Party, recants his votes on the Patriot Act and renounces his support of the Drug War that is just seeking "fame and fortune".
So when Edwards apologizes for his war vote and Clinton doesn't apologize for her Patriot Act vote that is okay.
But when Barr leaves the Republican Party, recants his votes on the Patriot Act and renounces his support of the Drug War that is just seeking "fame and fortune".
Epi, he was crusading against abortion laws and his wife had an abortion with his consent.
He is the kind of person who will say whatever is needed to gain party creds.
You can have his slimey ass.
Was he a part of the Clinton impeachment? I'm trying to understand where this anger towards him is coming from?
yeah I suppose.
Maybe he will get alot of the McSame vote.