Great Bumperstickers...

Thanks Thorn, but I will find one locally, It does not have to be registered for me. And besides a NC dog might bark with a different accent :)

LOL! Well, we got our first BC at the pound and he really was the perfect dog -- so great, in fact, that we looked for another one when he started to get up in years. Good luck, you won't be disappointed with this breed! They're extremely intelligent, also very sensitive (related to the intelligence, I think, and also to their sweet natures). Our Aussie is a great dog, (nuts, though) but the Border Collie is really it for me!
I have a pound found Astrailian Shepard.

They are the smartest dogs I have ever experienced.

Mine may be pure because I got her as apub right after the rodeo was in town and she has prick ears which is a major breed flaw for Aussies.

She is a dog Einstien.
were you from the other site as someone else or are you new to this group of people?

I'm new to this group. Was invited to the debatepolicy board but it really doesn't fit me very well; I didn't even register there.
Thorn was definitely invited. Some came just by finding out about the site. All are welcome, even the insane. Friends don't always have to agree... Although Thorn and I agree more often than not.
I find that I definitely agree with many people here on at least some, if not many or most, issues that you discuss. Anyway, don't you find that you usually learn a lot more from people whose viewpoint is different from your own than from those who agree completely with you?!

I'm probably a libertarian, philosophically. In Canada I campaigned for the Conservative party. I support personal freedom and all its attendant personal responsibilities. I'm also in favor of education reform and a sound program of universal health care, but in a form that will be administered far more efficiently and responsibly that I fear most government departments are run.

I regret not openly supporting Desh and uscitizen in the God thread.

Most of the rest will eke out over time :)
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I think I need to start coming here more often, every time I do I realize how many people on here I miss from the old site.