Great Christmas gift ideas for the special liberal snowflake in your life.

I have just about as much to prove that he didnt exist as you may have to say that he did exist.

In other words you have nothing but your opinion and nothing else. Where I have a history of the world written by men who were there at the time. Granted some interpretations may be incorrect but overall a pretty accurate accounting of the past. Sorry you lose!
In other words you have nothing but your opinion and nothing else. Where I have a history of the world written by men who were there at the time. Granted some interpretations may be incorrect but overall a pretty accurate accounting of the past. Sorry you lose!

You are an idiot, there was no written history at that time
In other words you have nothing but your opinion and nothing else. Where I have a history of the world written by men who were there at the time. Granted some interpretations may be incorrect but overall a pretty accurate accounting of the past. Sorry you lose!
This is who you're trying to reason with...
"They are all public events, so why is the anthem only played at professional sporting venues?"
It is useless to debate with someone as ignorant and closed minded of the holidays and religions as floridafan. This person claims to believe in a God but denies the written histories of the world. Sad very sad.

The written histories you refer to were done many many years after the supposed birth of JC. Now find us one of these histories written at the same time as the event occurred.
Never missed it one bit. Exactly what is a Christmas Tree supposed to represent?

Why, may I?

It's a pagan tradition pre-dating the Christians. In parts of Europe and the Middle East, evergreens were brought inside during the Solstice festival to decorate homes and to represent the return of light and growth. There's even a verse in the Bible railing against this practice.

Jeremiah 10:2-4: "Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not." (King James Version).

We don't have a Christmas tree either. We have a Yule tree. ;~)
Once again, what is a tree in your living room supposed to represent?

You are an idiot, there was no written history at that time

Yea there is "no written history at the time" and the dead sea scrolls don't exist. All the archaeologist throughout history have been lying to us and creating this giant hoax all these years. That said I believe everyone here knows who the real idiot is!
Yea there is "no written history of the time" and the dead sea scrolls don't exist. All the archaeologist throughout history have been lying to us and creating this giant hoax all these years. That said I believe everyone here knows who the real idiot is!

According to some sources, the Gospel of Matthew was written as early as the thirteenth year after Christ’s death, that is, about 41 C.E. Many scholars favor a somewhat later date, but there is general agreement that all the books of the Christian Greek Scriptures were written during the first century C.E.

So the supposed actual accounts of this event could have been written decades after it happened.
Yea there is "no written history at the time" and the dead sea scrolls don't exist. All the archaeologist throughout history have been lying to us and creating this giant hoax all these years. That said I believe everyone here knows who the real idiot is!
Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree...
The written histories you refer to were done many many years after the supposed birth of JC. Now find us one of these histories written at the same time as the event occurred.

The old testament with the prophecies of the coming of Jesus were written before the birth of Jesus.