Guno צְבִי
We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
false, the daughters or the confederacy placed many to remember the dead. Dumbfuck
Such an uneducated buffoon
false, the daughters or the confederacy placed many to remember the dead. Dumbfuck
Most Confederate monuments were created during the Jim Crow era beginning in the 1890s.
The biggest spike in Confederate memorials came during the early 1900s, soon after Southern states enacted a number of sweeping laws to disenfranchise Black Americans and segregate society. During this period, more than 400 monuments were built as part of an organized strategy to reshape Civil War history. And this effort was largely spearheaded by the United Daughters of the Confederacy, who sponsored hundreds of statues, predominantly in the South in the early 20th century.
And a significant portion of those monuments were erected on courthouse grounds. , placing these memorials on courthouse property, especially in the 1950s and ’60s, was meant to remind Black Americans of the struggle and subjugation they would face in their fight for civil rights and equal protection under the law.
Black Americans have long understood the symbolism of those monuments.
Such an uneducated buffoon
All true.
OTOH, since those monuments were built long before most of our parents were born, they are still part of history. Tearing them down and hiding them is not good, IMO, for precisely the reason you pointed out: They are reminders of oppression and an imbalance of justice.
Better, IMO, but build around them reminders of social advances and why that era was wrong. What do we have now? Nothing. History has been erased and all that pain, suffering and injustice will be forgotten because people will be busy making Tik-Tok videos on the empty grass.
President Biden commemorated Slavery Remembrance Day on Saturday, saying in a statement that “great nations don’t hide from their history.”
“Today is a day to reflect on the terrible toll of slavery, and on our nation’s profound ability to heal and emerge stronger. Despite the horrors they faced, these men and women and their descendants have made countless contributions to the building of this nation and the continuous effort to realize the American ideal,” Biden said.
The president said he was “honored” to sign legislation last year making Juneteenth, which marks the day the last enslaved African Americans were told slavery had ended and the Civil War was no more, a federal holiday.
yes, idiot.
you're retardedly thrown yourself in with marxist totalitarian revisionists.
George Orwell — 'Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.'
^^^ Sez the violent revolutionary to keeps claiming he's a pacifist.![]()
i have only ever extolled passivism, nitwit.
will you ever stop lying?
It's not even close to a zero sum game. The truth is jews hate white christians, and they simultaneously convince us to destroy our own nations, while dying to institute their Jewish Supremacist homeland. They're laughing they're asses off.
so niggers can take the day off from pretending they can read.
niggers on bottom.
Bullshit, as I've proved a few times. You spread hate, division and fear in the hopes someone stronger and braver than you will remove those you dislike.
You're like the housewife who wants the man of the house to remove a mouse. She hides her eyes while the deed is done and never thinks about the consequences of her request.
You just spread hate so braver people will do what you are too chickenshit to do, Fredo. That's why you support those who went to DC for 1/6 but stayed home....where it was safe.still no talk of violence
you're a liar.
You just spread hate so braver people will do what you are too chickenshit to do, Fredo. That's why you support those who went to DC for 1/6 but stayed home....where it was safe.
People can judge for themselves who is the most honest between the two of us.
I actually always say dont go to demonstrations or protests because theyre infiltrated by feds, as 1/6 was.
No doubt you said it so strongly and forcefully that STY stayed home with you.![]()
you're an idiot.
Possibly true, but at least I'm not a hateful coward.
Again, others can look at you, then look at me and judge for themselves.
The fact you have dozens of posts supporting violence and hatred against Americans of a different color along with supporting overthrowing the US government is something you can deny, but people will see those posts will the FBI.
When a terrorist act is committed, all the terrorists and their supporters are immediate suspects. How connected are you to the WSE's, Fredo?
President Biden commemorated Slavery Remembrance Day on Saturday, saying in a statement that “great nations don’t hide from their history.”
“Today is a day to reflect on the terrible toll of slavery, and on our nation’s profound ability to heal and emerge stronger. Despite the horrors they faced, these men and women and their descendants have made countless contributions to the building of this nation and the continuous effort to realize the American ideal,” Biden said.
The president said he was “honored” to sign legislation last year making Juneteenth, which marks the day the last enslaved African Americans were told slavery had ended and the Civil War was no more, a federal holiday.
If true, why not ignore me and live in ignorant bliss of your sheepleness?Your characterizations are false and idiotic....
If true, why not ignore me and live in ignorant bliss of your sheepleness?
Did you get this buffoonery from the Gateway Pundit???????????????