Great news for America.

Really banjo?

June 4 2020

More than 10,000 people have been arrested in protests decrying racism and police brutality in the wake of George Floyd's death, according to an Associated Press tally of known arrests across the U.S.

In the nation's capital, 86 percent of the more than 400 people arrested as of Wednesday afternoon were from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia.


I Bless you my child
Really banjo?

June 4 2020

More than 10,000 people have been arrested in protests decrying racism and police brutality in the wake of George Floyd's death, according to an Associated Press tally of known arrests across the U.S.

In the nation's capital, 86 percent of the more than 400 people arrested as of Wednesday afternoon were from Washington, D.C., Maryland and Virginia. his,theft, or deliberate property damage.

What those "protestors" are doing is whining about something that is non-existent. It gives them a chance to act the way they were bred.
What is a fake Christian?
I need you to come to faith NW

I Bless you my child

That would be idiots who use christianity as a crutch when it's convenient, people who use christianity to make $$$ off "Jesus", people who still support lying,Trump, people that insist christianity is the only religion that you MUST believe in, so don't bless me.

People like you are why people shy away from christianity. his,theft, or deliberate property damage.

What those "protestors" are doing is whining about something that is non-existent. It gives them a chance to act the way they were bred.


Difference between protesters and rioters, even on January 6, the protesters never entered the capitol grounds, they were still in the street.
Protesters didn't confront anyone or disobey/fight the police, rioters did.

Not every protester is a rioter.

Difference between protesters and rioters, even on January 6, the protesters never entered the capitol grounds, they were still in the street.
Protesters didn't confront anyone or disobey/fight the police, rioters did.

Not every protester is a rioter.

When the thugs in places like Portland burn, loot, and vandalize, that isn't a protest despite what the left wing idiot politicians and their media puppets say.
The Trump signs and flags are gradually disappearing.

People are coming to their senses and realizing it was all a big mistake.

Nobody is buying new Trump flags. The ones that are out there are of cheap quality and are all fading and being flapped to tatters on the backs of pick up trucks.

As the flags fade, so does the enthusiasm.

The deteriorating flags represent his deteriorating following, a past movement in decay.
A good deal of tRump merchandise is "Made in China". I doubt that dumbass trumpanzees even bother to look at the label.
When the thugs in places like Portland burn, loot, and vandalize, that isn't a protest despite what the left wing idiot politicians and their media puppets say.

I get it, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

Difference between protesters and rioters, even on January 6, the protesters never entered the capitol grounds, they were still in the street.
Protesters didn't confront anyone or disobey/fight the police, rioters did.

Not every protester is a rioter.

"When the thugs in places like Portland burn, loot, and vandalize, that isn't a protest despite what the left wing idiot politicians and their media puppets say".

No, that's what moron, teabaggers claim, that can't tell the difference between a rioter and a protester.
I get it, reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.

Difference between protesters and rioters, even on January 6, the protesters never entered the capitol grounds, they were still in the street.
Protesters didn't confront anyone or disobey/fight the police, rioters did.

Not every protester is a rioter.

"When the thugs in places like Portland burn, loot, and vandalize, that isn't a protest despite what the left wing idiot politicians and their media puppets say".

No, that's what moron, teabaggers claim, that can't tell the difference between a rioter and a protester.

Burning, looting, and committing acts of arson isn't protesting. It's rioting. Only a left wing POS would think otherwise.
It would be nice if the authorities would put 1/1000th the effort into trying to find the BLM coons that rioted, looted, and burned down buildings. Failure to do so means they support what those thugs did.

I absolutely agree but the FBI has become more of a KGB or Gestapo than a law enforcement service. This sort of thing always ends badly too. Ruby Ridge, Waco, Oklahoma City...

And the public would have celebrated. After all Congress has about a 10% approval rating, if that...

There is a big fucking difference between liking our politicians and destroying America. Now we should have a popularity vote, and if they fall below a certain level, they should be executed?
The public would have been shocked and very angry.
There is a big fucking difference between liking our politicians and destroying America. Now we should have a popularity vote, and if they fall below a certain level, they should be executed?
The public would have been shocked and very angry.

Got news for you... I seriously doubt that most people in the US give a rat's ass about what happened week before last in DC. Sure the MSM and the political nattering class are breathless with their endless hysteria over it, but most people don't care. What most people care about is what effects them personally and directly, and that incident isn't one of those.